
45 4 8

Title - Perception

Author - AkankshaSharma3

Genre - Short Story


Title - The title looked like a serious one and confusing too. As the story goes, I don't think that the title suits till now but after the story is completed, I can surely say something about that. I give 3/5

Cover - Cover is cool and good looking but a cover should not be like that. When I saw your book's cover first time, I should get an idea about your story but I was confused so change it. I give 2.8/5

Plot - The main thing of every story is plot and the way of describing. I liked the way you described differences between the 2 families but 11 chapters are too much. Maybe you can start the story now. I was wondering that when the story will start. I give 2.5/5

You have listed so many differences in 11 chapters that till now most of the readers must be wondering that when the story will start like me. Genre is short story but short stories end up till maximum 15. So you can just compile up the differences in a chapter or 2.

In the recent update you have written that they are 26 ( age ) and how they will meet is still a mystery. You should just now get to the point and stop tellimg differences between them or you will soon loose readers.

Overall rating - 2.3/5

Reviwer - Passionofwriting

Hope you didn't found me rude...

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