Fire and Ice

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"You ok?" Remi repeated her question as she knew Lay wasn't ok..

"Y-yeah..." Lay smiled confused. He dragged a chair towards the bed. He grabbed her hand and made his way to the bed, making her sit over it. He then took his place over the chair he dragged before.

"What are you planning?" She asked.

"I am planning to be friends with you?" He shooted up a brow.

"Meaningless." She rolled her eyes.

"Nothing is meaningless." He stared at her with dead serious eyes. "I want you to remember me even when I am gone."

"Why?" She stared back with a more strong gaze.

"Because I feel like it."

She chuckled softly.

"Don't make fun of my feelings."

"Ok... and how are you planning to turn me into a friend?"

"Simply by sharing my life experience, for you to know me better." He paused but she didn't reply. Her eyes were answering on behalf of her tongue, telling him to continue and that she was willing to hear. "I was 20 when I misunderstood my crush as my love."

"Haha... you're going to tell me a love story." She giggled.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing... so you were immature that time?"

"Yes... someone told her that I liked her and she asked me out."

"Wow... you must have felt so lucky."

"Yeah... I felt like ... well I can't describe."He chuckled.

She smiled and confirmed she had felt that too.

"She was a devil disguised as an angel. But I was too blind to see beyond that. I was shy kind of guy so I always wished her to start a conversation, a kiss. My friend told me she would leave me if I didn't take a step first. I did as he said, you know..." He rubbed the back of his hair. "Uh the romantic stuff."

"So, then what was the problem?"

"She asked me to spend one night together. I said no."


"Because I don't believe in pre-marital sex."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! So I proposed her. And I made the biggest mistake. She started avoiding me. She even started a rumor that I was gay. I still believed and loved her. My friend once told me that she's a player and makes out with many guys. But..." He sighed at the image of his ex. "I still searched for her but then I received a voice mail, where she apologized with a 'not so sorry' tone and pledged me to stop searching for her. I did as she said with a heavy heart. By that time I was actually in love with her. And I clearly understood the difference between a crush and love. Two had completely different levels."

"How did you overcome? Do you not love her now?"

"I made racing my ultimate goal and after two years of training, Kris helped me financially to buy a sports car and I entered the tournament, representing China. She visited me once when she got the news wishing me good luck, saying that she'll be waiting for me." He sighed.

"She must be so selfish."

"Ah! you know what? After I won yesterday and called my family back in China, my dad was still mad at me."

"He might think its a waste of time."

"You think so?" Lay pouted.

"Its amazing and fun.... but still its a waste of time."

He frowned at her comment.

"Yah! ..... but you mended your broken heart." She smiled and he shined under the rays of her

rare genuine non sarcastic smile. "Do you love her now?" She asked hesitated.

"I don't know..." He stared at his lap. "But she won't be part of my life. I don't even think about her." He smiled. "So, what about you?"

"What did Uee unnie tell you about my ex?" She asked.

"How did you know she told me?" He seemed a bit uneasy.

"Who else?" She rolled her eyes as a habit.

"Yeah... she told me he fell for another girl."

She took in a deep breath and stared at Lay, sending shocks down his spine to his groin. He abruptly looked away.

"What?" She asked at his reaction.

"Ah no... just continue your part." He tried to look back at her.

"Mine is less complicated. I loved a man and the man loved another girl. He was like a good friend so, I asked him out... but he couldn't.... he felt like he is deceiving me and himself. After a week he proposed to the girl he loved... and next month they are getting engaged."

"Wow... so less complicated." He mumbled. "Well, I am more interested in what did you like in him rather than the story of your break up."

She smiled and he hardly kept his eyes at her eyes, his mind at the words she was about to speak. "Why are you interested in knowing him?" She inquired.

"Huh... because you're not an easy girl. He must have some special feature." He smirked. "I am interested in that feature."

She grabbed his hands, startling him. "He was an idealist. People called him ugly but all I saw was the jewel in his eyes. His eyes had the effect on me to set me under a spell. His words were like sweet water; rare, valuable, mysterious and most of all attractive. It was love at first sight and when I got to know him more, he was intellectual. He had the same view on life as I had." She withdrew her hands. "But he didn't love me back. He appreciated me with mere words, but I still wasn't deserving."

Lay himself was mesmerized by her choice of description.

"Once he told me that he smokes to get rid of the thoughts of the girl he loved. That day I shared his cigarette."She giggled and her cheeks flushed. "That was the only romantic moment I spent with him, so, I never hugged him." She chuckled with tear beads obvious in her eyes.

He saw the tear drop over her hand. He softly held her teary cheeks. "I know you won't admit or understand, but you deserve better." He slowly hugged her. "And you can cry. I know how much it hurts." He stroked her hair.

She was indeed lonely and craved for love. Lay gripped her tightly.

"Lay... I think I should make breakfast." She said while her head was resting on his shoulder.

"I'd help."

"Good." She pulled back her body but her smell still lingered over his shoulder, chest, arms, inside of him.

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