So done with you

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Uee and Kris were in the club on the counter having their drinks. Uee was tapping her heel against the floor to the beat of the music.

"You look happy." Kris commented as he peered at her joyful attitude.

"Because I am not working but enjoying. I am glad we came to this club. It feels so good. Ummm" She smiled at her. "Plus Remi's having good time too."

"I am not sure about that. If it were me, it would have been different but Lay!" He scoffed. "Its his first time."

"So? Remi's drunk."

"Yeah..." Kris rolled his eyes. All of a sudden his cell phone beeped. "Its Lay. He texted something."


Kris clicked on the text. "I..... I can't do it. WHAT THE HECK?!" Kris stood up. "He ruined everything Uee."

"Lay!" Remi shouted out. "I am afraid of water. Please..." Remi tried to unlock her arm from his. But she couldn't. Lay was constantly smirking and dragging her near the rim of the brigde.

"Jump baby." He pushed her forward.

"No..!!! No I can't. For God's sake!" She screamed but with his next step he threw her body into the water.

She shrieked and woke up. Sweat drops were on her forehead and her breath was harsh and loud. A swift wave of pain left her back bone and a stingy feeling circling inside of her head. She felt she had been sleeping for too long. She finally opened her eyes widely after the little fight with her exhausted eyelids ended. She touched the bed's sheet and squinted her eyes, as she noticed the room belonged to Lay. "What am I doing here?" She sighed and the tips of her fingers touched the strap of her bra on the sheet. She turned her head right to look at the object which turned out to be her bra. She abruptly looked at the tore shirt she was wearing, with exposed chest and slight waist. As soon as she studied the situation, her stomach tickled and left her restless.

She wiped off her face and ran her fingers through her hair. With closed eyes she wondered if Kris did this. Who else? "But.... then where did Lay sleep?" She asked confused. Her rage shooted and fire of revenge filled within her. "How ..... how could you Kris!" She mumbled. "Lay!" She shouted out the name. "LAY!!!"

"Ah! You are finally awake." Uee opened the door and Remi wrapped the tore edges of the shirt around her upper body to hide her front side. "Remi... you look sexy." She sneered and elevated a brow.

"Unnie.... unnie w-what happened? W-why am I in this room?" Remi asked and folded her arms.

"You.... and....."

"Unnie .... this time Kris is gonna pay." Remi said with a dead look.

"You and Lay!"

Her breath stopped for a second. She stared at her unnie confused. She walked to the chair and sat on it, cupping her forehead.

"Go and eat I've prepared supper." Uee gestured.

"Lay and I..... did what?" She raised her face.

"Um... sex?" Uee asked raised both brows.

"N-no..." Remi replied and glared at her unnie.

"As much as I know Lay, he won't lay a finger on you until you ask."

"Then who tore my shirt?" Remi yelled.

"You yourself! Im Remi herself."

"Huh! I don't believe it."

"You were drunk."

"And I took my bra off?"

"Yeah... you even forced Lay to take off his clothes but he left the room before he looses control too."

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