Play Beat

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Remi and Lay reached the shopping mall. She barged in and Lay followed her. She guided him towards the male dress corner.

Remi went to the counter salesgirl.

"Yo..."Remi greeted the girl.

"Who is this hottie?" Angel asked, looking like a bad girl.

"Hottie? Hottie who?"

"You must be kidding. The guy you came with? Single?"

"He's chinese. And he's leaving within a week." Remi rolled her eyes.

"Too bad. I just really want him now." Angel pouted.

"He's gay." Remi whispered to her.

"Oh you mean the guy glaring at you?"

"Glaring at me?"

"Behind you."

Remi abruptly turned back and placed her hand over her chest, finding Lay standing too close to her frowning at her. "Lay?"

"Who's gay?" He asked while a crease developed on his forehead.

"A-a guy, s-she wanted to date, is gay." She stuttered and pointed at Angel.

"Oh... are you two friends?"Lay asked Angel.

"Best..... friends." Angel bit her lower lip.

"Since when?" Remi asked in disbelief.

Angel shook hands with Lay. "Ah! Why are the most hot men gay?" She asked Lay.

"I am not gay." Lay answered.

"You're not hot either." Remi sneered.

"Please help me out I can't decide." Lay requested to Remi.

"I'll be back Angel." Remi gestured.

"She's pretty like her name." Lay complimented.

"Angel is not her name." Remi mocked.

"Ok..should l try them on?" Lay pointed at the two shirts she grabbed.

"Oh please... don't stress yourself." She picked up.

"Please visit again." Angel said while packing the shirts and pants.

"He's going back to China." Remi replied with a 'but I still don't care' look.

"But I'll visit once more before leaving." Lay waved to Angel.

"I'll give you a discount then." She smirked and bit her lower lip.

"Please consider that discount for me too, your best friend." Remi pushed Lay to the back and stood in front of him to block Angel's view.

"I don't know who you are!" She chuckled.

"Oh yeah ...." Remi rolled her eyes back. "Pack this waist coat as well."

"Whats her name?" Lay asked as the moved out.

"Ahjumma .... she's actually 37 but looks like in her teens."

"Ahjumma? Is that a name here too?"


"Seulbi? Her korean name is cuter."

Remi stared at him with puppy eyes and pouty face.

"What?" He asked confused and amazed at her new expression. He lowered his head and captured her lips. She had the shopping bags in her busy hands. Otherwise he was gone to hell. He drew his lips back and looked into her eyes. "Eyes don't lie." He whispered.

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