Sorry baby, not U

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Remi gulped down loudly and sighed with equal intensity as Lay left the room. She breathed in the air that was quite suffocated a few moments ago. Her heart beat was definitely not normal and it was not going to get the actual pace for so long. However, she had to dress up, not remaining naked for the rest of the evening. She staggered in her way to the wardrobe. She huffed in regret, she hated the uneasy thing worldwide known as underwear? Yes, hated wearing that to death and she regretted hating it now. The first thing she searched for was her panties, actually two in number. She had a hard time finding even one, and she noted she really required a new one, or two or three. She needed them until Lay was here, but why should she buy one just for another week?

But Lay proved it.

He was a predator for now and she had to do all precautionary measures to actually hide her most sensitive and private part, which she assumed he had witnessed with his guilty eyes. She bit her upper lip and closed her eyes in another round of pain in her heart. She took out her wear. First, dragging up the underwear, then her bra, a long baggy white shirt and oldest, ugliest rugged jeans. She tied up her hair in a bun and took in a deep breath. She moved forward to the mirror and watched her from head to toe. Looking enough unattractive? She asked herself, although feeling uncomfortable in the too much unappealing attire. "You leave me no choice Lay!" She muttered, then smiled widely to change her state of heart and mind.

"Lay!!" Uee called him out loud as he came out of the room. "Lay!"

"I am tired. Don't talk to me!" He uttered feebly with an obvious frown over his small forehead.

Within the next tick, Remi left her room. Lay looked back suddenly as he heard her entering the lounge.

"Remi, Remi....." Uee ran to the girl and grabbed her shoulders. "Why is Lay mad?"

Remi smiled, confused. "Why ask me when he is here to answer?"

Lay did a scan of her outfit and smirked. At least she could not lie to him. His intimacy did had effect but negative one.

"I am going for a walk." Remi gestured to Uee and tied her shoe laces. She stood straight and sighed joyfully.

"Remi..." Uee seemed concerned. "You don't sound normal!"

"Unnie... please!" She rolled her eyes and the opened the front door.

Before she could step out, Lay mercilessly grasped her arm. "Hide." He whispered with a cunning look.

"Umm... what?"

"Try and hide ..." He gently whispered but now, dead serious eyes.

"From you? Seriously?" She sighed with a beautiful smile. "I don't hide. I fight back."

"Hmph!" He smirked again. "Hiding is a new style of fighting back, I guess?" He abruptly unheld her arm.

She shooted him a death glare and carefully closed the door. Uee ran to Lay, begged for a detailed session of the incident but he had his lips sealed tightly. So, instead of giving her what she wanted that moment, he angrily tred to his room and shut closed the door with a thud. "Why won't you guys just tell me??!!!" She huffed.

What feeling accompanies when you fail? Absolute regret that follows failure and leads to frustration, and if you can't actually do anything about it, it ends in eternal depression.

Lay entered his temporary room, silently tormenting him on his capability of astonishing check he had over his hormones. He could sense his rage at its highest but again, he was modest. If Remi was here this moment, she was dead; especially after the pack of arrogance she showed, attempting to act like she wasn't affected, when she was.... really badly, internally and externally. Actor! A failed performer! That she was.

For this moment, he even hated the Remi, always accompanying him in his loneliness, in his mind and imagination, filling the gaps real Remi created. She was always ready to soothe him, to take him in his own created world, much more fascinating than the real one; and his imaginary Remi being his most important design.

Now that she was peeking from curtains, pouting in the corner. Her eyes mocking adorably at his failure. He always conceptualized that she represented Remi's true feelings and her perceptions. She was mad, absolutely. He harshly pinned his back to the wall, frowning at her from a distance. Why won't she let him, let him just touch her? Just that!

Answer was simple.

She was a girl and he was a guy. She had already someone else in her heart. Why? He asked again and Remi completely hid behind the curtains. His heart slopped down into the end of the world. He dragged his feet to the bed like it was a burden. He leisurely plunged into the bed and closed his eyes. He decided one thing with determination. He won't touch her as she wished.

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