Chapter Four

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While everyone else is eating dessert, Greg, Ali, Jackson and I quickly eat our meals. Once again I feel sick and I run into the bathroom again. Jackson follows behind me and holds my hair again.

Once I'm finished He rubs my back and I fall into him. But this time someone else walks in.

"hey Kat, are you okay? I saw you and captain jaw line run in here." Marc smirks at the captain jaw line thing but I can tell Jackson isn't amused. Although now that I think of it he dose have an amazing jaw line.

"Yea, I'm fine. Please just go though." I shake my head. I can tell that hurt Marc, but now is not the time to be sparing people's feelings.

Marc walks out and Jackson takes me into the first aid room and stays with me while the others pass out dessert.

"So what happened between you and that Marc guy?" Jackson asks and if I'm not mistaken, i hear a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"We use to be best friends. We actually dated, twice, in eighth grade. He broke up with me both times but I still liked him until the summer of freshman year which is when we stopped talking." I breathe out trying to to show any emotion.

"oh, are you okay." He asks. I lean into him and slightly nod. Just then Ali burst into the room.

"Hey guys, you have to do trivia." She laughs at the sight of us together.I feel Jackson sigh and we both stand up and go back out into society.

We walk over to the trivia table and to my surprise Marc is sitting right in front of me. I hesitate to sit down and I can tell Jackson is less than thrilled also.

"Okay guys let's get started with our white mountain trivia." Says Jackson. "We will ask a series of 10 questions and you will write your answers on the paper and submit your paper to Kat who will correct them and go over all the answers with you guys. And the winner gets a free map of the presidential range."

Everyone seems a bit hyped by this, except for Marc who seems like he would rather be anywhere else.

"First question." Jackson starts. "What are the names of all the huts that are part of the presidential range?" I laugh. I knew the answer to this scene I was 10. People mark down their answer but I can't help but notice Marc. He just sits there, starting down at his paper. He doesn't know the answer. I know this look well cause I had to sit with him in science class and he had the same look on his face whenever we had to take a test.

"Okay, next question. What is the highest peak of the white mountains." I say. Marc has the same blank look on his face. I can't help but smile about how familiar it was.

After all of the questions have been asked and the answers have been corrected we have our winner. It was in older man who had been climbing for most of his life I presume based off of his knowledge.

Things start to wind down so I go into the kitchen to help Greg with dishes. He scrubs a large pot caked with chop Suey.

"Need a hand?" I ask. Greg who was our hut manager for the past three weeks. I can tell he's less then thrilled about my presence.

I ignore the lack of an answer and begin to help him out.

"Kat." He sighs. I lower my head afraid of what he's going to say. "I've told you a million times that you and Jackson can't flirt publicly. This isn't the place for it."

He's rights and I know he's right. But I wish he wasn't. We stay silent and finish all of the dishes, by the time were done the main room is mostly empty. So I go into the staff bunk room. Three small bunk beds are all lined up in a row. Ali lays on one of them and Jackson on another, both of them half asleep. I climb into my bunk and just stare out the window until I finally fall asleep.

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