Chapter Twenty one

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I'm in 2011 when Garret and the other guys come and sit down by me.

"Hey, we hiked up here in 2011." Todd says, Glancing over my shoulder. "I think we're in here guys."

Garret and Jeff also leaned over my shoulder looking through all of the names. The eventually just take over the book and begin frantically flipping through the pages.

"Here we are. June 5th 2011. Jeff, Todd, and Gare-bear." Laughs Jeff. "Oh man, that was fun."

June 5th 2011. The date sounds so familiar.

"Hey guys can I see this for a second?" I ask as I snatch the book out of Todds hands. I search the rest of the names on the page. Then I see it.

I make my way over to the counter where Kat sat reading a book, waiting for people to come but AMC merchandise and hiking equipment.

"Hey Kat?" I ask very smugly. She looks up at me slightly afraid.

"Marc?" She asks. I can practically hear the worry in her voice.

"In this book it says that u went hiking here on June 5th of 2011. The same day as my good friends over ther." I begin. She looks at me slightly confused and slightly afraid.

"Yea and?" She sputters.

" I was just wondering if u recalled the trip. The three of them, Jeff, Todd, and-" I pause for dramatic effect. "Gare- bear!"

Her eyes go wide and a huge smile comes across her face.

"Gare-bear!" She calls out. Garret whips around confused while Jeff and Todd laugh there asses off.

"How-?" He begins, but then his eyes go wide too. " Katie bug!" He calls back. Now it's Jackson and my turn to laugh.

"You guys know each other?" Asks Jackson. We all gather by the log book shelf.

"It was my first hike up here, just me and my dad. His nick name for me at the time was Katie bug. He would always call me it, and because we didn't technically know anyone at the hut I just kinda let him call me it." Kat shrugs.

"It was also my first hike up here. I came with my church. There was this girl at my church who would always call me Gare- bear. The whole trip she only referred to me as Gare-bear. So when we left I had to write it in the log book." Garret laughs.

"I guess we just heard people call us by our funny nick names and it just stuck in our heads." Adds Kat.

"So after all of these years you guys still remember each other's nick names?" Asks Jackson, laughing. Garret and Kat just nod laughing.

This whole thing was absolutely amazing. And it makes me believe that maybe something's just don't happen to happen. They have a purpose. I was supposed to see Kat this summer and she was supposed to be with Jackson and Garret was supposed to be my roommate. Sometimes things aren't exactly as they seem, there all part of a bigger plan.

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