Chapter Thirteen

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I do my best to ignore Kat for the rest of the day. It's not all bad, she mostly sticks to her work and I stick to my visitor logs. I'm in 1996 right now and only twenty years left.

I'm not ignoring her cause Jackson said so, although I don't really want to mess with him, I'm ignoring her cause I don't want to fall for her again. I can't fall for her again. She's moved on, way on. I should be happy, I mean, I've moved on too.

I wish Abby was here now, so she can set me straight again and make me feel better about Kat, but that's not love is it. Love isn't having another person around to make you feel better when you're down, love is having another person want to make you feel better when you're down.

I can't stand being stuck in this place all day, so I take a chance and step outside for some air, rain pelts the side of the hut as I step outside and take a deep breath. I just have to breathe. I can't do anything right now, I'm stuck, all I can do is breath.

I remember once, I took Kat to the movies with me and Abby. Halfway through the movie Kat just got up and left, Abby laughed but I got up to see what was wrong. I found her sitting outside the theater with her head between her knees breathing very heavily. I asked her "Kat, what's wrong?" And she lifted her head up, tears stained her face. "I can't breathe." She said gasping. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there and she quickly jumped up and wrapped her arms around me, and I just stood there. About a minute later she was back to normal and we walked back in the movies. I could tell Abby wasn't very happy but I didn't care.

To this day I don't know what set her off like that, truthfully I was to afraid  to ask. I know she had stuff going on but it wasn't my problem.

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