Chapter Seven

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I watch her run out of the bathroom. What just happened? I wonder. I get up and hobble over to my usual spot near the visitor logs. It's my second day here and I've already gone through 1980-1992.

I notice Kat walk back in and over to the kitchen. Something is definitely up with her. I notice the other hut worker who's name I've learned is Ali. I quickly hobble over to her as she sets out some snacks at a table.

"Hey your name is Ali right." She gives me a quick nod. "I'm Marc." I give her a smirk. Despite what you think, I'm not flirting with her. I'm just trying to gain her trust to see what she knows about Kat and Jackson.

"Hey Marc what can I help you with." She asks. I can already tell she's a very peppy person, hopefully she knows a lot of stuff too.

"So I was wondering, what's up with Kat?" I ask. Ali gives me a questioning look.

"Oh, your the guy that sprained his ankle! You and Kat use to be friends!" She exclaims as she put the puzzle pieces together.

"Doesn't she seem a bit off to you?" Ali considers my question.

"I mean, I think she's got the flu if that's what u mean. I wouldn't worry though. Jackson will take care of her." She smiles and turns away. "Your a good friend for caring thought." She calls back. She maybe peppy and pretty but she's not exactly the smartest girl I've ever met.

I roll my eyes, frustrated with the answer I received. I know something is wrong with Kat, I just have to find out what so I can help her. What am I saying. I've been over Kat Summers since the eight grade. I have a new girlfriend now, she's hot and smart and sexy. So why can't I get Kat Summers out of my head!

Marc: Jay

Jay: stop

Marc: help

Jay: no

Marc: whatever

Ever since the eight grade Jay has hated Kat. Why? You may ask. Well it's a long story that I was hoping would have blown over by now but hasn't thanks to Jays stubbornness. So apparently Kat had had enough of Jays whining so they stopped texting for a week. Then Jay broke the deal after four days. That's when Kat told him that she was done with him. But what Kat didn't know was that Jay was madly in love with her.

So when Kat and Jay stopped being friends I was forced to pick sides. Eventually I drifted over to Jays. Kat was heart broken. "Good, now she knows how I felt." Remarked Jay one night, and at that moment I began to realize that I had made the wrong choice.

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