Chapter Five

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I wake up in the first aid room on the cot. I check my phone for the time 6:45am. I moan and roll over, it's so early. I manage to half stand up and throw on a hoodie. Only then do I notice the strumming of a guitar and some faint singing. I hobble into the main room and notice Kat leaning against the wall strumming and singing. People come out of there bunks and assemble in the main room. I forgot that she was a good singer. Back in middle school she entered in a talent show and won third place.

Garrett, Jeff and Todd swarm around me. I already know what there going to say. I heard them talking about it in the main room last night while I was going through the visitor logs.

"Hey, Marc." Garrett says and I can hear a hint of regret in his voice. "Listen, me and the guys were thinking of continuing on with the trip." He mumbles. I can tell he feels bad about this, and he should. But it doesn't matter.

"Dude, don't worry about it." I try and shot him a convincing smile. He seems to take it alright and we all sit down for breakfast. Once again the hut staff lines up at the front of the room.

"Alright guys!" One of the other hut staff calls. "We just got the weather and it looks like a beautiful day out. 25 mph winds heading southwest. It's about 63 degrees up here at the summit and it looks like totally clear sky's." The girl tells in a very peppy voice.

"We would also like to remind you to take down everything you brought up! That includes trash!" Yells the other guy. "Now without further delay..." He begins.

"Breakfast is ready!" Calls all of the stuff in unison. I find it slightly amusing how they do that.

Bowls of oat meal flow down the table along with pitchers of juice. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw the food. I quickly fill my bowl and cup and begin to stuff my face.

"Hey Marc." Todd asks. "How do you know that girl?" He gestures over to Kat who is sitting on the counter laughing with Jackson and the other workers.

"We use to be friends in middle school." I mumble hoping not to get into to much detail. The guys look between each other shocked and obviously wanting more of an answer.

"We were friends and we dated. We drifted apart in high school." I roll my eyes.

"Wow, small world." Garrett laughs. "How long did you guys go out for?" I shake my head. Not long enough.

"A month or so." I shrug, memories of the night we broke up flash in my head. She was so hurt. It hurt me to. "Can we please change the subject." I snap. The guys once again look shocked. I roll my eyes and pass my bowl up.

"Okay so we're going to go to Lake in the clouds today and then tomorrow we will hike to Mizba." Jeff looks over a small scale map of the range. "Then we will loop back to Lake in the Clouds and come back here the last day. We will stay here an extra day to make sure Marc's ankle is all healed. Then we will head back down." I nod along to the plan as Jeff draws it out with his finger.

"Good plan. Do we have enough food to last?" Todd asks. Garrett dose a quick inventory in his head.

"Yea we should. We will have to split Marc's bag between the three of us now." Garrett insists. We all get up and head into the first aid room and split up my backpack. After ten minutes of shuffling supplies everything fits and the guys are on there way leaving me only a few snacks, my cloths, and my wallet.

I go into the main room to see what's going on, Kat and the other hut girl are cooking something in the kitchen while Jackson and the other hut guy strap in there packs. Kat gives a quick glance around the room before giving Jackson a quick hug and kiss. Bags of trash are strapped onto there backpacks and they leave.

Kat watches them walk a while before turning back to her work. Wow these people make a lot of food.

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