Chapter Sixteen

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Jackson can barely look at me in the eye after Marc goes to bed. Alex comes in to talk to us.

"So you guys can leave after tomorrow, have your week off, But Kat." He stops short. I know where this is going. "I'm sorry but due to your condition you can't work here for the rest of the season."

Now Jackson looks at me, I can see the sorrow in his eyes. I know he thinks that this is all his fault. That he's hurting me. But he's not.

"Alright." I give Alex a firm nod. Jackson frantically looks between the two of us before embracing me in one of his hugs. And that's when I feel a tear roll down my cheek. Then they turn into a steady stream. Jacksons shoulder muffles my sobs. I didn't realize I was holding these in.

"I'm sorry." Murmurs Alex as he walks back into the staff bunk room. Jackson pulls me away from him and looks at me in the eyes as he wipes away my tears.

"It's going to be okay." He nods slowly. "Everything is going to be okay." And that's when I become unsure of who he's trying to convince. Me or himself.

I try to fall asleep after that but I just couldn't. I listen to the wind beat against the thin windows. I wonder if enough wind hit them if they would break, shatter into a thousand tiny pieces. Pieces so small that it would be impossible to pick every single one of them up.

I some how drift off thinking about the shattered window.  When I wake up, instead of shards of glass covering every inch of the bunk room.  Soft yellow light illuminated the room. The wind was still there beating on the glass. I check the time. 5:45. I walk Into the kitchen and began to work on breakfast. Then it dawned on me. Today would be Marc's last day. No more painful memories. Just moving on and forgetting. Forgetting everything that happened up on this mountain. Forgetting everything about middle school. But part of my screamed remember. Remember these days.

As I make orange juice from powder Jackson walks in, he gives me a weak smile and kisses my head as he goes to make the morning coffee. I absolutely hated the stuff but he could drink a hundred cups a day. We work quickly and quietly. Ali comes bursting out of the bunk room.  Jackson backs away from the coffee machine with his hands in the air. She gives him a sideways glare as she makes a cup.

"So Ali, what are you going to do without Marc to plot with." Jackson jokes. Ali turns around with her bright smile.

"Don't think I don't know about your little situation slut." She smiles. "And don't think Marc doesn't know either." She takes her coffee back into the bunk room.

I feel my legs go weak and my world goes dark.

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