Chapter twenty three

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"And done." I say as I close the 2015 log book. Garret and the guys laugh a little bit.

"Hey, you know. We have to put our names in the 2016 log book." Jeff points out.

"Yea but what do we write?" Asks Garret. We all think for a little bit.

"How about-" begins Todd. "No never mind."

"Well that about-" begins Jeff. "No that's stupid.

"I got it!" Yells Garret a little to loudly. "Marc may have sprained his ankle but at least he didn't fall off the summit." We all laugh at this. Because it was true. It could have been worse.

"Shit!" Todd yells. "Marc never actually went to the summit." We all look at each other.

"Guys I don't really mind not seeing the summit-" but Garret cuts me off.

"No, we're going to the summit weather you like it or not."

We all sigh and walk out of the hut and begin our journey up to the summit. At first it didn't look that bad. Just a bit rocky.

"We can do this!" I say very enthusiastically. Jeff and Todd glare at me, but Garret gives me a firm nod. I know that this fall with him as my roommate will be one to remember. I just hope he doesn't keep reminding me about the time I tripped over a root on the trail and ruined the whole trip.

Garret takes the first step up to the summer, followed by Todd then me then Jeff. Slowly we all make our way up to the summit of the mountain. 5,000 feel above sea level.

We finally reach the summit, the wind is whipping everywhere, threatening to blow us all off the mountain. But when I look up I could see for miles. Everything was so clear. Crystal clear. It was so beautiful. I know realize why Kat loved hiking so much. Because the view is amazing.

Looking out I decided that there were 2 things I had to do when we got back to the parking lot.

Without a word said by any of us, we all just nod at each other and make our way back down to the hut. We all just wanted a bowl of soup before our hike back down.

I open the door of the hut to find Kat and Jackson with there massive packs on, ready to go.

"So your leaving." I say slowly. Kat gives me a sad smile.

"Yea we're heading out." She tries not to make eye contact with me.

"Thanks for helping me out, I know i didn't deserve your kindness after all that I've done to you but thanks.

"Well I kinda had to." She laughs. And then she did something that sh hadn't done sense middle school. She pulled me in and gave me a hug.

"Goodbye Marc." She says firmly.

"Goodbye Kat." I almost whisper.

I glance over at Jackson who gives me a firm nod, but he also gives me a smile.

"Take care of her." I laugh. "She's real special."

"I definitely will." Jackson says as he gives her an awkward side hug, with there giant bags on it was difficult.

The guys and I all take a seat at one of the large oak tables. And out of the window I watch Jackson and Kat make there way down the mountain. And I doubt if I will ever see her again.

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