Chapter Twenty Two

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I began to carefully back everything in my back. Heaviest stuff on the bottom and then get lighter. Once I'm done Jackson walks in to pack his bag.

"Katie?" He asks.

"What is it?"

"I um-" he pauses. Trying to remember what he was going to say. Or pausing to actually come up with something to say. "I told Alex that I couldn't work for the rest of the season. So I could stay and help you with things and be there for you." He says shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

I walk over to him and make him look me in the eyes.

"Thanks." I say. And he pulls me into a giant hung. This had to be the hardest decision he's ever had to make. Hiking was his life.

"Something's are just more important that hiking." He mumbles.

"I love you." I say. He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too... Katie bug." He adds. We both laugh at this as I lightly hit his arm.

In these past few days Jackson has learned more about my past then I ever wanted him to know. He now knows that my dad use to call me Katie Bug and that back in middle school I was in love with a guy named Marc and that he broke my heart. I thought him knowing this would change the way he looked at me. And maybe in a way it did. But if anything he might even love me a little more.

I bring my bag out into the kitchen as Jackson packs his bag. I help Alex make some food for everyone.

"So Jackson is leaving to." I say out of no where.

"Yea." Alex nods. "I tried to convince him not to, but I know there was no point. He had made up his mind. And when Jackson makes up his mind-" he just laughs because we both no that when Jackson makes up his mind there is no way to change it. He's going to follow through with whatever it is.

"Hey Alex"

"Hey Kat"

"Thanks for everything"

"No problem"

"I'll miss you"

Alex gives me a sad glance. "I'll miss you too" he says. I give him a quick hug. "You and Jackson are probably the greatest love story these mountains have ever seen." He laughs.

"No that can't be true, these things have been here for thousands of years. There has to be a better one." I try and laugh off the compliment.

"Yea these mountains have seen it all. And they will see a lot more. These things will be here until the end."

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