Chapter Twelve

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I watch as Jackson comes through the front door followed by Marc. Crap that couldn't be good. Marc gives me slight glance before taking his usual seat by the visitor logs.

"Jackson what happened?" He gives me a small smirk.

"I just had to set somethings in place with your old pal there." He sneers. What is going on, then I remember. Marc is known for making situations worse. Much worse. Bad enough that physical pain is as common as emotional pain when your around him.

I remember when we were hanging out at the lake once and he tripped me on the dock make me fall and hit my head on the metal dock. I know he didn't mean to. But all the same, when I started bleeding I could tell that Marc found it slightly amusing. But he also knew he would get killed if his mother found out. So he sent Jay to go back to his house and steal a tissue and concealer. Jay came back a while later and his mother never knew.

The hut begins to get more and more busy as the day goes on, many people try and escape the storm. I wonder where Marc's friends are, probably still at Lake in the clouds. You would have to be crazy to hike in this storm.

I go in the kitchen to help make soup for everyone. Even though it's the middle of July it's only 55 degrees up here. Half of the people here walk around with there wool blankets wrapped tightly around them.

Ali is still pissed off about earlier and Alex is keeping his distance. Marc ruins everything, even after all these years he can still just walk in and mess everything up that I've worked so hard for. Especially my relationship and I don't need that now, I can't have it now.

And it finally started to fully sink in. I was going to have a baby. Over taken by fear I try and find Jackson. I just need to be near him. I go into the staff bunk room and find him sitting on his bunk with his phone in hand.

"No reception." He says standing up and walking over to pull me in close. He always knows how to make me feel better.

"Jackson." I say almost whispering into his shoulder. "I'm afraid." He rubs my back and kisses my forehead.

"Everything will be okay."



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