Chapter Eleven

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The rain starts to pound down on the Windows and my conversation with Ali plays in my head. She came up to me sounding unusually pissed.

"Your right, there is definitely something up with Kat. Jackson and Alex know about it also." She scoffs. She shots a glaring look over to them and continues. "Something happened last night and I don't know what. No one will tell me anything." I laugh in my head.

"Yea something did happen last night." Her eyes go wide.

"What! What happened!" She yells slamming her hand on the table. I can't tell her what happened and I know that. This isn't just something you can tell a random person. So I lied.

"Oh, I don't know." I shrug. I think she knows I'm keeping information from her, but I don't really care. She rolls her eyes and gets up to help serve breakfast.

My train of thought has been derailed by the sound of thunder. Shit this is bad. I hate storms, Kat knew that better than anyone.

Once she was at my house and we got tornado warnings and they closed all the streets so she had to stay the night. She wore one of my t shirts and slept in a sleeping bag on the floor in my sisters room. Every time we heard thunder I jumped a little which sent Kat into a fit of laughter. She enjoyed the storm, "There beautiful, it reminds us that sometimes even the earth has to break sometimes." She said to me.

Once agin thunder strikes and I jump a little. I look over at Kat as she sits on the kitchen counter with Jackson looking out the window at the storm. I wonder if she remembers what she said. I always wondered if she came up with it or if she read it somewhere.

A lightning bolt hits a few feet in front of the window near me. I jump backwards knocking into a group of high schoolers. I can hear Jackson laughing a little from his spot in the kitchen. I'm happy when Alex comes over and sends him back to work.

Kat goes over to the stack of visitor logs and put them all in order. I hobble over there the fast I could but once I reach her I can't think of anything to say. So I just stare down at her. She looks up at me with her grey eyes that closely resembled a full moon. I notice her dimples at the top of her lips when she gives me a quick smile before walking away.

"Wait Kat." I say. She slowly turns around facing me.

"What." She finally remarks after a few more moments of awkward silence.

"Last night-"

"Tell Ali nothing happened and that she can go mind her own god damn business."

"That crap!" I yell a little to loudly. "I know what happened last night and I'm sorry." I whisper this time. Her eyes go from gray to pale blue and tears begin to prick in her eyes. She turns around and storms off. I shake my head and begin to go through the visitor logs again but am quickly interrupted by an angry Jackson.

"You and me outside now." He growls in my ear and I follow him to the small over hang in the front of the hut.

"Okay what do you want."

"You have to stop it with Kat, she's over you. I might not know about what you two once had, but I know that I'm with her now so that means you gave up on her." Jackson says sounding thoroughly pissed off.

"Whatever." I scoff, Jackson straightens up trying to intimate me. He was slightly taller then me and built more like a hiker then a football player, he had strong legs and broad shoulders. I wouldn't dare fight him, I know I would loose. But I would never admit that.

"Seriously, you don't love her anymore I do." Jackson says. And that's when I realize how wrong that statement was. I have to admit it to myself. I love Kat Summers.

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