Chapter fifteen

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For dinner we have Shepard's pie. I sit at the end of one of the large oak tables and poke at it while Kat, Jackson and all of them give there usual introduction. The explain the activity for after dinner would be a checkers tournament. I look over at the game cabinet, a pathetic little shelf with broken boxes of games and bend cards held together by old rubber bands. The book shelf above it wasn't much better either. Warn, Soft covered books about the mountains pile on the shelf, there yellow pages tattered. I decided to skip out on the checkers and try and do some physical therapy on my foot to insure I wouldn't get stuck here another second.

Later I had Alex helped me move my stuff into a real bunk room instead of the cot in the first aid room. The mattress was softer and the bed didn't squeak when I tossed and turned. Several other tired hikers lay passed out on the bunks above me and next to me.

I flex my ankle slowing feeling the muscles pull and contract. A slight pain shoots up my foot when I bend it to far and I decide it's enough physical therapy for one night.

I remember when I first hurt my ankle. It was back in 5th grade before I even knew Kat. I was playing football and I jumped to catch the ball and landed oddly. I got tackled a second later and was pulled from the game. I had to wear a boot on my leg for the next month.

I try and fall asleep but it's hard. There are still some people out in the main room. I can hear them shuffling around and talking quietly. I decide to walk out there without any aid to try and strengthen my ankle. I feel a slight throbbing with every step. I see Jackson and Ali in the main room with a few guests.

"Wow Marc, getting better already I see." Exclaims Ali. She gives me a wink and I feel my cheeks go pink:

"Yea well I decided to try and work on it a little bit." I laugh.

"Just don't over do it, wouldn't want u to get stuck here any longer than u alright are." Shoots Jackson. The guest look uncomfortably between the two of us and say a quick thanks and goodnight before heading to there bunks. Even Ali slowly backs away.

"Your friends should be coming tomorrow and I want u gone by the next day." He adds.

"What's your problem?" I fire back. "We haven't talked in 5 years and your acting like I'm a threat." I try to keep my voice down but I'm full of rage.

"I know what you did to her, you left her, just stopped talking. I can see the pain in her eyes whenever she looks at you." Jackson takes a deep breath. "And I can see the love in your eyes when you look at her." He adds slowly.

Love Kat? Could I? I can't. It's been to long. To many missed chances. I couldn't possibly. But I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss her. That certain things would remind me of our times together. I open my mouth to say something but am interrupted.

"Jackson it was a long time ago." I look over to see Kat leaning against the wall watching us. "Marc, it was a long time ago." I knew what she was trying to say. To much time had past and she had fallen out of love with me.

"Baby I'm sorry about all of this." Jackson sighs. "I just don't want you to get hurt more than you already have been hurt. By me, by him. By anyone." I could see actual regret in Jacksons eyes.

"Sorry about all of this, I'll see you guys in the morning." I say and slowly back away to my bunk. Surprisingly enough I drift asleep quickly.

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