Guess Who's Back?

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      We walk over to Travis who is presumable standing with his friends. "Hey babe, I want you to meet my friends; this is Azealia, Ellie, and Michelle. Girls, this is Travis." They greet one another with excitement. My friends instantly begin to interrogate him. Amongst the chatter, someone calls my name from behind. I turn to see Tyler."Best friend! Oh my god, I've missed you young!" He exclaims, shaking me back and forth. To my surprise, the wolves are here! Did the girls tell them? "I see you already know the wolves." He laughs as he kisses me on the cheek. This world is much smaller than I thought. Amongst the excitement, I catch another face and can't believe my eyes; Frank. We stare at one another as the realization sets in on us both. He shakes his head and storms off. Tyler looks at him then turns to me. "I'll talk to him."  With that, Tyler runs behind him.

     "Something wrong?"  Travis questions, shaking me out of my thoughts. "Uh, no... look, I gotta go. I'll call or text you later, okay?" He nods and I kiss him on the cheek before leaving. I hastily drag my luggage behind me while pretending not to race to the car. Frank knows Travis? I feel so bad but I seriously didn't know Travis' friends were the wolves. Travis was gone during the second semester when Tyler introduced me to Frank and everyone... I didn't put the pieces together. Idiot! God, I wish this wasn't happening. I gotta talk to Frank, and explain things to Travis. I need to sort shit out. I climb into the car and scramble to find my headphones. I gotta calm down. 

    My eyes flutter open as the car pulls into my driveway. I kiss my friends goodbye and rush inside. "Mom I'm home!" Nothing, not even a creak; guess she's at work. I really wanted to see her, I barely do nowadays. I'm glad she's getting a lot of business at the firm, but she's barely home! I miss our time together, but I know she's just making a better life for us; for me. I jog up to my room and throw my stuff in the closet before tossing myself on the bed. Fuck. I'm so confused, I feel horrible! Who do I even call first?! As if on cue, my phone begins to ring. 




"Yeah... Look, can we talk later? In-person? My place, at like 9?"

"Uhm.... yeah, after I get settled at home."

"Thank you. Alright, see you then."

    That leaves me with about two-ish hours before I gotta get to Frank's. The only thing left to do is talk to Travis. I quickly grab my phone and check if he's up for a meeting at Fatburger. I toss my phone on the bed and grab my Mac. I haven't written a song, made a beat, or recorded it in about 2 months. I've missed it so much. Plus, it's always helped me relax, Lord knows I could use some of that right now. Before I can fully rest in my seat, the phone interrupts with insistent ringing. A text for Travis, wanting to meet in 20 minutes. I close my laptop in disappointment. Next time, I suppose. I glance in the mirror. Still in my yoga pants and hoodie from travel, gross. I go to the bathroom for a quick shower. I come out only to stare at my closet. What should I wear? I slap on some shorts, a baseball tee, and vans before grabbing my things. Okay, here goes nothing.

* * *

     I walk in and see he already ordered, for both of us. "Hey Panda." He nonchalantly says, coming in for a very disappointing hug. We sit down and I unravel my hamburger. Wow, no pickles with bacon; he remembered. "You know you want to eat your food. you shouldn't be so worried about your figure. You look great Panda."  I quickly look and him and turn back to the window. I don't want to eat, even if I did, I couldn't ... this whole situation is bothering me.



"I came here to talk."

"No need."

"Yes, need I have to exp-"

"No. Need. Tyler told me everything. Look, we weren't official and it sounded like you two were, sort out shit with Frank, think things through, then tell me your final decision." 

     Without any other words, he gets up, kisses me on the cheek, and walks out. My eyes follow him until he's out of view. I feel horrible. I can't imagine the confusion and hurt he must be feeling. If only I asked two fucking questions. I stare at the food before me and eat while fighting back tears. 

    Way to go, kid. 

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