Feel So Close

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It's been an eventful return home, finally back home from that stupid hospital that I've honestly seen the inside of too many times for my liking. I didn't press charges, I feel bad for him. Why? No idea. Maybe I really am crazy. I can't get any sleep as yet because I haven't gotten the okay from my doctor. Ya know, might have a concussion. Tyler was with me to keep me up but had a family emergency. Speaking of, where's my sister? I text her, questioning her whereabouts. Of course, she's with Na'kel. I can't complain honestly, I told her to have fun. This time up has given me a lot of thinking time. I ended up talking to Aiden, finding out he sort of had someone back home and got caught up when I showed up, I felt used but I understood because I pretty much did the same. The main person on my mind was Owen. What turned him into such a twisted person, why did I have to cross paths with him in the first place? Why me? It troubled me so I decided to leave it alone. My doctor calls and gives me the okay to get some shut eye and I don't waste anytime. I glance at the clock, 6:01. I dress myself for slumber and snuggle up under my covers finding no problems reaching dreamland.

I'm waken up by being shaken. It's Frank, the hell? "Tyler told me to check on you, you're not supposed to sleep!" I grouchily rub my face and cut my eyes at him. "I got the okay to do so." He blankly stares at me. "Shit my bad." I just slide over, giving him more room to sit on my bed. I look over at my clock, 10:59. Four, almost five hours... it'll have to do. Doesn't seem like I'll be getting rid of him anytime to soon. "I guess I'll get going." I stare at him oddly, did I say that out loud. No, I'm sure I didn't. "Lonny stay, it's late, and I know you're exhausted; I can hear it in your voice." I suggest getting up to fetch him some blankets. I lead him the guest room and toss him his old pajamas that I had. It was awkward, but he couldn't say much. I leave him to settle and return to my room. I still haven't forgiven him. Yeah, I'm over it, but there's just some things you just don't say. "Lynn, I'm sorry." Scared half to death, I clench my shirt over my heart. "I know I've said it a million times but-" "I'm over it." He chuckles. "No, you aren't." I scoff. "And what makes you so sure?" He takes a seat next to me and scoots in close. "Because you're still thinking about it." My eyes widen. He got so close to me. He's right but he can't have that power, knowing how easily his words get to me; how easily he always got to me. I feel so vulnerable for some odd reason. He's staring right at me. I turn my head away to break the eye contact. "Frank, I'm gonna get some sleep." I croak. He grabs my wrist. "Not until you stop crying and talk to me." Shit, he knows. I just stare at the wall. No chance of me looking at him. "Lynn, say something." I don't, I just continue to stare around. He lets out a heavy sigh and let's go of my hand, letting it fall on my bed. I pull in close and turn to lay on my bed. I hear the door close and don't bother to see if he's still here. My phone vibrates and it's a call from Aiden.

"Hey Panda, how's every- are you crying?"

"No . . ."

"Yeah you are, want me to come over? I'm at Tyler's place."

"Frank's here. He's in the guest room."

"Oh, I can stay on the floor."

"Uhh Aiden-"

"It won't be awkward. I promise."


"See you soon."

About thirty minutes later, Aiden pulls up and I let him in. We're up in my room when Ashlyn returns home with Nak and it's obvious what they're gonna do. To avoid the sounds of my sister having intercourse, Aiden and I reside in the basement. I lay on one couch and he rests in a recliner, watching Regular Show. Soon, Family Guy is on and we've both seen this episode an decide to talk. We chat and joke about little things till about 12 AM. We go to my room and settle in there, making a fort on my bed like school children instead of "adults". Ashlyn walks Na'kel out before coming to my room and joining us in a Skins UK marathon via Netflix. During our British drama, I find time to formally introduce them. After that it returns to intense watching accompanied by gasps, laughs, and tears. We finish watching it around 6 in morning when we all fall asleep on my bed. Aiden in the middle, arms around each of us. He probably felt like a king, I slightly chuckled at the mere thought of it before closing my eyes and falling into a comfortable slumber.

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