Say Something

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I charge into the hospital and Chance runs in after me along with Mac. We're told to stay in the waiting room. He has to, you know, make it before he gets a room. I sit towards a window. I can't be stuck staring at Chance and Mac, they're sad too, I'll break down again. I really gotta stop crying so much, makes me look weak. I plug my headphones in and Cudi takes me along for his satellite flight. I hum along to Troubled Boy as the time ticks away right in front of me. I get a text from Frank, he and Tatum are worried sick. I was supposed to be at home hours ago. I text them about everything going on. Tatum calls me sobbing. She was closer to him than I was. I inform her of our whereabouts and she hangs up abruptly after shouting to me that she's on her way. Chance asks who I was speaking to, I tell him it was Tatum and his eyes widen. "Shit, how could I forget to call her?!" I stare blankly at him, shrug, and return to my music and close my eyes for a short moment.

My eyes jolt open and Donald has his arms around me. "Hey Lynn, what's go you so jumpy?" Whoa. I blankly stare at him, was this all a dream? I hug him and smile greatly. "Lynn, you're a strong girl, a very strong girl." My smile is quickly wiped off my face. Those words. That tone. Can this nightmare end? "Donald, w-what are you saying?" He clenches jaw and clears his throat. "You don't need anyone, especially me." My heart replicates the painful breaking I felt in his bedroom. "Don, don't go." I wrap my arms around him. He sighs and laughs to himself, hugging me back. "Really, don't go, I love you. I'm in love with you." He pulls back and kisses my cheek. "Love ya more." He says with a smirk. "Trust me, the feelings are the same."

Chance shakes me awake and Tatum's here along with Frank and Ellie. They all hug me, crying. I frantically stare around. No! He couldn't have, he didn't, Donald-died? Chance takes me in his arms, tears flowing down his fair skin. I look in his eyes and realized I misread it, these tears-they're tears of joy. "He made it mama." Chance smiles down at me and a wave of relief flows through me. "We wanted you to see him first." I nod and thank him. Before I can take another step to see Donald, Marie comes through the door with Tyler. She's crying softly as she addresses us. For the first time since I've met her, I was compelled to hug her. Only The Lord knows what she's feeling. Everyone hesitated as we joined in an embrace. I hug Tyler before turn back to face Marie. "I was going to see Donald, just me. I want you to come." She smiles through the tears and nods. I take her hand and we head upstairs.

We get to his door and she stops. "You first, you deserve that much." I nod and enter. "Hey Lynn." He smirks. I smile as tears stream down my face. In a mix of being happy that he is alright, and sad because this is happening; I rush over and hug him. "You big fucking dummy." I sob with a smile. I lay next to him as he wraps his arms around me. "Hey, you're wearing my stuff." He acknowledges, tugging at the sleeve of my black, crew neck sweater. "Of course." He gently kisses my cheek and forehead before clearing his throat. "Lynn look, I'm sorry I put you through this." I silence him with my embrace. I really couldn't be mad because I was so happy he was okay, that he was alive. He looks up at the door. "Who's that?" I shift uncomfortably. "Marie is outside..." His face lights up, I hide my hurt. I quickly stand up and walk to let her in. She smiles and so does he. I fail to stop a couple of tears from escaping and dancing down my cheek. This time because I realized it way too late, I cared for Donald more than a friend. Of course it took me almost losing him to see it. Same for Marie, but she'll get away with it. He's deeply in love with her, that dream of mine seemed real, but I know the truth. I can only be happy for them.

Mac comes down the hall and grows worried. He hugs me. "What's wrong Lynn-ter?" I shake my head and he tilts my chin up so it's leveled with his. He states deep into my eyes no matter how I try to look away. "Talk to me." He presses his forehead against mine. "Mac, I-I can't. I'm stuck again." He gives me a confused look. "I can't seem figure out what or who I really want." He scratches at his beard. "Donald and I?" I nod. I always do this. I can't have the same cycle that I went through with Travis, Frank, and Tyler. "I need some air, alone." He nods and I walk away. I go downstairs and stroll pass them all. Ellie follows me outside. "What's wrong? He's alright, isn't he?" I nod. She hugs me. "I can never chose. Stuck, again. I just need to get away." She automatically knows what I mean. "You're right. Look, it's the weekend... I can go with you, if you want." She right, this weekend would be great. "I'll go alone." I hug her, run inside to tell Donald goodbye. I get to his room and everyone's there. I clear my throat and they all leave rather quickly. He looks confused but I kiss him cheek gingerly before rushing out the hospital and hastily saying goodbye. I get Ellie to take me home so I can pack.

* * * * *

I finish packing a weekend bag and write a little note to Tatum. I feel like I'm moving, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I'm halfway out the door when a text from Donald dances it's way across my notification bar.

From Don: Why'd you run off?

I take a deep breath and call him. I much rather get this over with through text.



"Lynn." You can hear his smile in his voice.

"I'm going away for a while, but I'll be back."

"One, you're quoting Paramore. Two, where are you going?"

"Not sure yet."

"How long?"

"Maybe the weekend, maybe longer."

" this to get away from me or-"

"No, it's not you."

"Can I check in on you. No conversation, just making sure your safe."

"Uh... yeah sure."

"Alright, you take care...see you... whenever."

"Bye McKinley." I smile.

He chuckles. "Bye Lynn."

I think to myself as I tap the top of my phone to my lips. I should go to the club or something. Have a fun start to this, ya know? Can't just sit around and think for the whole weekend, I should go out and do something. As I glance down at my attire I realize this will never do. Stripping out of my sweats, and snatching up high-waisted shorts and a dazzling top, this should be fine. I slip into my outfit, fix my hair and make up, before taking everything to my car. I climb in and see Tatum pulling up with everyone, Chance and Mac too. I speed off before they have the chance to ask any questions.

* * *

I pull up to this club with a long line, this seems pretty popular on account of the crowd. I recognize an old friend as the bouncer and quickly get in, the crowd was not very pleased about this. I inch through the people and find myself at the dance floor. Flashing lights, fog, bubbles. It's actually really pretty. The music is great. Do I know the songs? Hell no, but I'm dancing to them.

I manage to dance over to the bar where this hazel-eyed dream smiles at me from behind the bar. "What would you like to drink?" I smile and shrug. "Surprise me." He nods with a smirk and works his magic, serving me a scarlet colored slushie. It was delicious. We chatted and I ordered another one slowly sipping on it.

I check my phone which is flooded with texts from everyone asking where I does off to. Ellie texts me and assures that she'll buy me some time if possible. I glance back and the bartender who is serving other people and talking to me in between. I entertain his conversations before returning to the dance floor and partying until everything is a colorful blur.

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