Can't Let Go

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 The weekend get away came to a pleasant end, leaving Frank and I on old terms. It's pleasantly confusing to be honest. Like, of course I'm glad that we're "back together", but will this drive another wedge between Tyler and I? I wish it I could honestly say that it won't, but history has a keen way of repeating itself. I don't think I can handle another repeat.

Sure, we had good times but when it was bad... it was bad. Tyler kept telling me to end it and stay friends if I really wanted him in my life, of course I didn't listen so Tyler and would argue a lot. On top of those disputes, Frank and I got into some rough fights, a little physical. I would hit him and he'd try and hold me off. He only struck me once though, That was the night before I left for the trip, so I told him to take the time during my trip to get his shit together. Only to find out he stayed in the club, apparently found some chick there. Seems like he didn't bother trying to change. I guess it was screwed up trying to force him to change. I just wanted him to get better. Seeing him trashed and slurred is heart wrenching. I really don't want to go back into that, but I'm too scared to ever address it again. I glance over at him and find myself making awkward eye contact. I quickly look back to the car window.

"Everything alright Lynn."

"Yeah Lon, I'm okay."

"C'mon Panda, I know when you're lying. What's wrong?"

"Just thinking, ya know?"

"I guess I do. . . but what?"


He quickly looks at me before realizing that the traffic light is a bright red and stands on the brakes. An awkward silence creeps its way into the car, as if it slipped through the vents. It slowly attempts to choke words out of one of us. Frank clears his throat before pulling off again. He switches his view from the street, to me; I awkwardly advert my eyes to the road ahead of us, someone needs to focus. "Lonny, you should really be paying attention." I suggest, eyes never moving to glance at him. He lets out a low sigh and returns his eyes to traffic. I stretch out my arm and turn on the radio. It, in turn, plays a melody on the piano. As it continues, I begin to notice it's just instrumental. Probably for Frank's upcoming album.  Frank shakes his head and gradually begins to speed up as we get on the highway. We begin to drive at a speed that makes me uneasy. Now I know he's mad, he's speeding.  I call his name but he ignores me as we fly by other cars. "Lonny slow down!" I cry with urgency, he looks over and deciphers the fear written across my face; causing his expression to soften and slow down the car. He silently drives off the freeway where he soon pulls into a chipotle parking lot. We awkwardly get out and pick up our food before returning to the car to quietly heading home.

We get to my house, Frank and I leave our bags in the car, only carrying in the food. I jog up to my room to change but find Tyler on my bed, looking rather depressed. I slowly creep up behind him when I wrap my arms around him in a great bear hug. He turns and a smile takes the place of a frown. "Hey Panhandle! How was the getaway?" I smile but soon wipe it from my face as memories of the weekend come to play. Tyler tilts my chin up with a concerned look.

"Everything alright?"


"Did something happen?"

" I-I-I"

"Out with it already."

"I slept with Frank."

Tyler chuckles but soon stops realizing that previous sentence was of no joking matter.

"Panda. . . why? You said you were gonna wait . . . ."

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