You Have to Choose Now

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I'm on my way to the trap. It's like the wolves' house, though most of them don't actually live there. It's been about a month since I've been back. It's about time I go to visit everyone. The only people I've really seen are Tyler, Frank, Travis, and Thebe. I'm excited, I've missed these idiots. I also took some time to myself after the commotion at my house. Tyler and Frank have seemed to make up with Travis. Well, they don't want to kill him anymore, so this visit should be a walk in the park. At least I'm hoping it is. I pull into the driveway and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

  I jog up the porch steps, swinging the door open like I own the place. To my surprise, I find Doms watching TV, hand deep in a bag of Cheetos. He quickly fishes out his hand and runs over to hug me. "What's shaking baby?" I laugh and return the hug before we both release grip, leaving me open for the next two pairs of arms to attack me. "Left, Hodgy! Hurry up! Syd wants her loving." They laugh and let me go before Sydney grabs my arm to yank me into a tight embrace. I relish in the hold. Wow, I've seriously missed them like crazy, this is my second family. "Alright Tyler, you and earl have an interview Tuesday. We'll meet up at the store around 10 then go from there." I nearly catch whiplash hearing that voice. "Christian Clancy, is that you old man?" His head shoots up and a smile pushes its way through. He walks down the remaining stairs along with Tyler and gives me a fatherly hug. "Hey sweetheart, how have you been?" I assure him that I'm fine and all is well, he smiles once again and ruffles my hair. 

  Two girls waltz out from the kitchen, observing me. "Is this the famous Pandora that we've heard so much about?" One girl, who seems to be pregnant, asks. She takes my hands in hers, examining me again. "Well, it's great to finally meet you." The second girl adds, coming in for a hug. She's taller, skinnier and much paler than the other. I greet them both with a smile. "Since the guys don't have any manners, I'm Sarah." The taller one explains, shaking my hand. Left comes up behind her and kisses her cheek. Hodgy steps up and wraps his arm around the remaining 'stranger'. "This is Courtney, my baby momma, but you can call her court." He rubs her stomach and smiles at her, so cute. "Great to meet both of you." I smile shyly before they invite me to the kitchen.

"So Panda, how is every-" Court starts but is interrupted by yelling coming from outside. I get up and walk up to the window, cracking it slightly. "Look, I'm just saying ... you hit her and-" "AND SHE FORGAVE ME!" I quickly walk to the door and clear my throat. Their heads snap to me. "WHAT'S WITH YOU TWO?! You guys were practically brothers before I came back. Now you're at each other's throats, all for what? Me? Just some girl? What is going to take for you two to be good again?" I run an aggressive hand through my hair and rest the other on my waist. Both of them seem to be in shock. Tyler joins us from inside, assuming he heard the yelling.

"I know what will..." Frank finally voices. "Choose." My eyes widen after hearing his input."W-what?" I'm speechless, to say the least. "Yeah Panda, pick. Me or Frank." Taco adds. Shit, I instinctively look to Tyler for help. "Guys, come on. If you force her to choose, she won't pick either of you." They chuckle. "And you'd just love that wouldn't you Tyler." Travis snaps. The hell has gotten into them? Frank smirks, He's about to make a point.  "No one told you to leave me for my friend then jump between the two of us. You've had your fun screwing around, face the truth." Frank barks before getting up and storming out. A chill finds its way through my body. I can't process any thoughts, even to tell my brain to move any body parts. "Travis I-" He throws his hands up in defeat. "You what Panda? What can you possibly say to avoid the truth now?" He retorts before leaving himself. "So you want answers, but walk away?!" I shout, making the two stop in their tracks. "Fuck both of you!" Frank scoffs. "Probably already have."

   Fuck Panda, way to screw up once again. You're so stupid. I fall to my knees, with my hands supporting me. "Ty-Tyler." I croak between gasps, my breathing grows labored. He kneels at my side, pulling me into his chest. "Panda breathe. Just breathe." I feel him pick me up and take me upstairs. The guys ask what's going on, so do the girls, but he doesn't answer. Tyler places me on the bed. I feel sick, I literally felt the bile rise in my throat. I grab the trash can released it all, Tyler rubbing my back. I get up and head to the bathroom to rinse my mouth out. "I'm sorry young." When I return, Tyler was gone.

   "Tyler! Calm down!" I hear Clancy yell downstairs. I quickly run down the stairs to find Clancy and Hodgy holding Tyler back. I stand, frozen. "What, what happened?" Everyone looks just as confused as I am. "Taco made a smart comment about you! He charged after Taco! I've never seen Tyler change face so quickly!" Clancy exclaims, clearly out of breath. I grab Tyler by the wrist and lead him out the door and to my car. "Panda, please let go." I ignore him, getting him in the car before doing the same before speeding off. "You still have your extra clothes at my house?" I ask, looking towards him; he nods. "Good."

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