All In All

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 *One Year Later* 

  I woke up and laid in bed for a while. I've been tired and lethargic to say the least, the very least. I muscle up some energy to climb out of bed. I cruise around my house when someone knocks on the door. I hustle down and swing the door open to see Tate, bright eyed and bushy tailed. She wraps my arms around me gently and snuggles close. "Love! I've missed you so much."  I laugh. "Well it happens when you move in with your love." Yes, she lives with Syd. "Oh don't give me that, you miss me too. "  We go to the kitchen where breakfast is prepared with steaming coffee and tea. "So, what have I missed in the world of everything Pandora?"  I giggle at her emotion and exaggeration. I begin to ramble as I catch her up on everything. "My new job at the tattoo parlor, new surprises, the Tyler thing." She holds up a finger. "What Tyler thing?" I take a deep breath before branching off into another story. 

Flashback ~

"Tyler, I'm really happy the tour is going so well."

"Me too, uh look.."


"I found someone at one of the festivals."

"Great, really great."

"You don't sound so great."

"Really? Because it is, tell me about her."

"Uh, you sure."

"Yeah." I wasn't. I was tearing up at the moment, he told me all about this 'wait until he gets back before choosing where and who I want to be with'.

"Okay, her name is Lorry. 5'11 maybe. Long brown hair. She likes me music, duh."

"That was a given."

"Haha yeah . . . she's coming with on the last two shows and then she'll be around a lot."


"Are you sure-"

"Ty, I'm tired . . . I'll call later . . . 11 like always." 

"Pandora, I-"

End of Flashback ~

  She stares at me in shock and asks me to continue all other stories I may have to relay to her hungry ears. I let her know all about my excursions in love, and my new situations. She smiles at the news. I even tell her about Marie and Owen's death. He went insane one night and drove their car off a bridge and into the deep blue below. It's sad to hear, but I know for sure I'm safe now. I just didn't expect it to be so gruesome. I give her all the details she'll need for Ashlyn and Nak's wedding. I'm so excited I can barely function. It also entails me meeting all of my father's side of the family which, I'm praying, is a very positive thing for me. Before we know it, we're watching movies and chatting like old times. Tatum tells me all about her fun with Sydney and I can't help but blush for the both of them. It's amazing to see everyone settling down and finding someone that their truly happy and in love with. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Malcolm?" I nod and lower the movie volume.

Flashback ~

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I had a thing for you but I can't confuse you anymore than you already are."

"I see . . . "

"Yeah, don't think for one day that I didn't care about you enough. This is me caring about you enough not to stress you. I can't keep you on a roller coaster, I scared you into calling me Owen."


"No, I'm sorry about that, that's why I'm keeping this as a friendship."

"I see."

"It's not like I don't want to wake up with you every morning, it's-"

"It's maturity."


"Don't something, not because you want to, because you need to; even if it's hard."

"Sounds familiar."

"Yeah . . . sure is."

"I really hope you don't push me out of your life."

"Trust me, I wasn't planning on it."



  With that, we walked back into the store where the guys were promoting their new tour. Everyone smiling and laughing. I joined the conversation before quickly being taken to the storage room by Tyler. I stare at him blankly as he avoids eye contact and glances around the room. "Out with it Ty." He wraps his arms around me tightly before stepping back a little, still very hesitant.

"I want you to wait."

"For what am I waiting for Tyler . . . ?




"For what exactly."

"Before you go falling in love, I wanna be there, maybe to catch you, maybe just to be there."

"Um, alright."

"Don't give me that blank stare, just wait for me, please."


Flashback Over ~

  She just opened her eyes widely as if she connected millions upon millions of dots between the two stories and my current life. I laugh at her wild and bewildered expression. She glances at the clock and a worried look wipes it way across. She kisses my cheek and leaves in a hurry. I leave the house for my doctors appointment, hopefully I'll be home soon because I need a nap.

*      *      *      *      *

 I woke up and rolled over, shocked that another body was beside my own. Of course, it was my baby. I shook him awake and a smile crept its way across his face.

"Hey love, what time is it?"

I glance at the clock. "10 o' clock."

He blankly looks at me before laughing. "Sorry, just didn't think I was asleep for so long."

I was confused. "How long was I out?"

"Maybe more than 6 hours, I came home at 4pm"

"Geez. I went right to sleep when I got back."

"Oh crap! I forgot, sorry babe, the meet and greet ran way past schedule." 

"It's fine hun, everything is very well."

"Soooooooooo. . . ."



"Well, if you must know, she will be very healthy when she is born."

 His eyes brighten immediately. He leans in kissing me very excitedly.

"No way?! A Girl!"

"Yes, our little girl."

"You should've picked someone with a better last name."

"Why? I think Bennett is just fine Chano."

The End :)

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