Back Against The Wall

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     Frank drops me off at home. I come across two very very recognizable cars. Oh my god, is this real life?! I quickly wave to Frank as I dart inside. Track star in this bitch. I get inside, slamming the door behind me. "I AM HOOOOOOOOME." No response, what the hell? I shout that I'm home once again before I hear loud footsteps charge down the stairs and giant arms engulf me. "Pandy Waaaandy!" I laugh and finally return the hug before separating. I look up to see Tyler's gaped smile shining down at me. "Hey young, how's it hanging." He fluffs my hair, leading me to sit and tell my story. Before I can even begin, my favorite woman walks downstairs. I jump to hug her. "Hi, sweetie! I've missed you, how was the trip?" She asks, turning me around to examine any changes. "It was great mom, gosh, I've missed you so much!" I pull her in for another hug. This woman right here is my rock. I absolutely adore her. "That's so great baby. Look, I'm heading to the office really quick to pick up a client's file and I'll be back to cook dinner. Tyler, you're staying for dinner right?" We look to him and he nods vigorously. "Of course! You know I love your cooking mama Night!" We all laugh. "Great, I'll be home before 6:30, see you then." She kisses us both on the cheek before heading to the door. Tyler pulls me in for another hug and I squeal. My mom turns back and smiles. "I still believe you two will make the cutest couple someday." 

     I turn back to Tyler who is awkwardly staring down with his hands in his pockets, kicking around dust. "Something wrong Ty?" His head shoots up as if he's a deer caught in the headlights of a car. "Oh... no, I'm fine. So what do you wanna do?" I shrug, glancing around the room. Wow, this is uncomfortable. I never thought it would be awkward being around my best friend. With an obnoxiously loud sigh, I slump onto the couch and whine about my boredom. "Are you sure you're okay Ty?" He nods, staring out the living room window. 

    He darts into the basement, he's got an idea. Tyler returns giggling, taking it upon himself to put on one of my favorite movies, Up. He quickly runs to the kitchen before returning with caramel popcorn. He knows me like the back of his hand. I snatch a gooey handful and watch the movie. I feel like such a baby, I cry a million times during the beginning alone. Tyler finds my emotions hilarious, making fun of every sniffle. I can't help it, it's so sad! "Panda...." I ignore him and stare deeply at the television. "Panda...." I quickly glare over as if to say 'what do you want?'  He throws up his hands in defense. Instead of a conversation, Tyler Pulls me in for another hug. "Glad you're back home."


I wake up to shouting. Wait, didn't I fall asleep downstairs? Tyler must have carried me up. I make out the muffled voices. I climb out of bed and jog downstairs. Just as I thought, Travis and Tyler. I stop in my tracks, backing just out of their sight; now able to figure out what is going on.

"Calm down Taco."

"Why are you here?"

"Because I came to see her mom and I'm staying for dinner when her mom gets back."


"I mean if you don't wanna believe me... that's cool."

"Where is Pandora now?"

"In her room, I carried her up so your yelling wouldn't wake her up, remember?"

"Whatever, I'm going to go get her."

"C'mon, she's sleeping Taco. She probably has jet lag."

"So you can have her to yourself?"

"What are you talking abo-"

"You think we all forgot Tyler? Best friends, huh?"

"Nigga, she's asleep! What the hell is 'all to myself?!"

"You know exactly what! You knew about me! I know she told you. You couldn't have told me? I know Frank's your brother, but you let me make a fool of myself! You two have been laughing behind my back this whole time, huh?"

"I think you should leave, you're gonna wake her up."

    I lean forward and see Travis storm out of my house, slamming the door behind him. Why is he acting this way? What is the whole 'best friends, huh' deal? Tyler tiredly runs his hand over his head. He slumps down on the couch as I slowly emerge from the shadows. He jumps up, awkwardly looking at me. "You heard all of that, didn't you?" I nod, adverting my eyes to the clock. 6:25, mom should be home soon. I walk over, kissing him on the forehead. "Nothing wrong with being a good friend Ty." He smiles up at me and ruffles my hair. Before I can even open my mouth to speak, my doorbell rings. Mom! I jump over to the door and swing it open. It's Frank, unexpected. I awkwardly shuffle to the side to let him in. He daps up Tyler before sitting next to him on the couch. "Alright, guess my house is the spot tonight." I turn to close the door when a figure appears before me. "Holy crap Travis! You scared me!" He clenches his fist, pleading with me to step outside. "Panda, what are you doing?" Tyler shouts behind me as I pass the entryway.

"Do I look stupid to you Panda?"

"No... what's wron-"

"Oh really? 'Cause you act like I'm an idiot."

"How do I do that?"

"Don't act dumb."

"I'm not, I-"


"Travis, you're scaring me."

"So you want me to believe you've been such a good friend of the wolves and NOT ONCE realized who I was? You're that much of a dumb FUCK, it never occurred to you. Or did you think I was just some sap you could parade around Europe until you got home to who you really wanted?"

     Tyler opens the door and pulls me back inside before charging out himself. "You are NOT going to speak to her that way." Travis yells for him to let me come back out but it clearly isn't going his way. Frank comes up and watches it all unwind beside me. "I mean, did you really not piece it together?" I shoot him a deathly stare. I didn't, how could I? His parents practically hated the group, he could never come over unless he snuck out. And who the hell gets Taco from Travis? We stand by the screen door like curious little children. I've never seen Travis this angry. It's terrifying; I'm shaking just watching this. They're at each other's necks, they probably can't even tell what the other is saying. Travis winds his arm back. I instinctively run out in front of Tyler. "Pandora! No!" Frank calls out behind me. Suddenly, everything freezes.

   "FUCK TAC! DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!" As if in slow motion, I collapse to the ground, gripping at my abdomen. I feel Tyler wrap his arms around me to carry me inside. I can't open my eyes, I don't want to. I feel like I'll start crying. That won't help anything. 

Looks like he can really pack a punch.

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