Good Ol' Times

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I wake up to the blinding sun and rub my eyes. The sweet smell of  pastries fill the air. These sheets feel like clouds, not to mention they are a bright white. It's a California King, I could roll for miles and never fall off. I finally stop rolling around and get out of bed. This is amazing for just some guest room. I walk down the hall to the bathroom and take care of my hygiene and what not when Aiden strolls past. "Good morning sunshine."  I smile with a mouth full of toothpaste, stirring up a laugh from both of us. I continue my morning routine and such before heading downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to find a cup of coffee waiting for me on the island, I unconsciously stare at in in shock. "What? You don't like caramel macchiatos anymore?" I quickly took a sip and melted inside, he could tell. "I just, just didn't think you'd remember." He draws closer to me and stares into my eyes. "Of course I did." He had a low tone to his words, as if it was a sacred sentence. I blush down at my coffee and take another sip.

"So how's Tyler.. I mean, if you guys are still friends." He trails off. I scoff and chuckle. "He's doing very well. His group Odd Future and what not are really taking off." He nods and smiles to himself. "Glad to see him successful with what and who he loves..." I nod, not fully understanding what he meant by that last part. "Invite him over for me?" I choke on my coffee and raise an  eyebrow. "Yup, call him." I quickly place my coffee down and hurry upstairs for my phone. Before calling him, I ask Aiden what kind of visit he had in mind. "Tell him to bring a change of clothes. I know I live pretty far out." I throw a mini-party in my head. This would be great to be with my two favorite boys again. I walk out to the balcony as the phone rings, waiting for Tyler to pick up.


"Tyler! Hey, I-"


"That's what I'm explaining."


"No she's not- anyways, I'm at Aiden's and he invited you over, bring clothes since it's a drive."

"*chuckles* Okay, your safe. Let me tell your mo-"


"I'll tell her you're fine, not where you are."

"Ugh fine, not like she cares."


"You coming or not?"

"Of course."

"*squeals*  Great, see ya soon!"

"Alright, bye ma."


I run inside and jump into Aiden's arms. "I'll take that as he's coming." I nod excitedly before feeling his lips on mine and smiling even more. We walk upstairs and separate to change and get ready, it wasn't a big event, but we should get out of our pajamas.

I quickly bathe in a giant shower that could fit at least twenty people. I hope I can have a place like this. It's all his too, no roommates or anything. I rinse my hair and all the other things you wash in the shower. I quickly rinse and condition before shutting off the faucet and wrapping my body in a soft baby blue towel. It felt like I was in a movie or something. Yeah, I have really nice  shit, but everything here seems ... better, if that makes sense. I pull my hair up in a messy, damp bun and place out my outfit for the day. Lotioning up my body, I manage to slip on the floor. Aiden comes in to check on me and I panic to cover my body. He turns a deep red and looks away. "You *clears throat* you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, thanks for checking." With that, he's out the door and I get up and dress myself. I wear my red tie-dye EarlWearld tee with white shorts and all white converses. Something cute, and simple. I jog downstairs to finish my macchiato and make us a little something for breakfast.

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