Something New

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*Three Weeks Later*

  Finally leaving this crappy hospital. Frank left two days ago, he's doing really well. We talked practically everyday and had therapy together, mental therapy. It was weird because we'd talk about our past like the other person wasn't right next to us. There would be times where he had physically therapy and would be too tired to visit. At least I wasn't alone, whenever Frank wasn't there, Tyler, the wolves, the girls, my mom, and Ashlyn would stop by when they could. All in all, I'm just ready to get out of here though. My mom walks into my room with some clothes to change into so I can leave. I run into the bathroom to change. Ugh, the scars from when Owen cut into me are still there. Of course we're pressing charges but knowing him, he'll get insanity again. I don't know, I don't feel hate when I think of him, mainly pity, but not any hate. I just wish things didn't turn sour in our relationship. How did I let it get that bad? I just let him cut ties between me and everyone I loved. I would still be a somewhat normal teenager and would have most of issues I do today if it never happened. The thoughts creep through my head and I realize I'm getting angry. I look in the mirror and run a frustrated hand through my hair. Watery eyes, I hate when I look like this. I take a towel as dab my face before turning to the door. I walk out and my mom has the biggest grin every before she hugs me. "You look great." She takes my hand and leads me to the car.

  When we walk out my mom points out ahead where I see Tyler leaning against his car, on his phone, giant bear in his free arm. I run around his car to scare him. I walk around to the side he's leaning on where he grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug. "So good to see you outside of that place Pands" He whispers in my ear. I bury my face into is chest and he rests his chin on top of my head. He smells so good. I lift my head up and he's just smiling down at me. We separate and he hands me the bear, I give it a squeeze. It smells just like Tyler. I turn and look at my mom and she just beams at us. He nods and my mom kisses me before getting in the car and driving off. "Get over here." Tyler takes me in his arms and holds me for about ten more minutes before we get in his car.

  "Let's go to the trap first, they really want to see you." He says pulling off. "I can't wait to see them." I stress the word can't and pretend to pull my hair out. Tyler laughs and pops in this cd. It's just beats but they're really good. Then this track one plays. "I never thought that feelings could get thrown in the air, cause I accidentally caught that. I need some new boxing gloves, shit got hectic whenever I fall back.." I'm just staring at him while he does it, almost in awe, he gets so into his raps but that's how you can tell he's enjoying it. I love seeing him like this. He continues but takes a pause and looks at me. "I love you.." The beat drops perfectly afterwards. He turns it down slightly and grins at me. "You like?" I smile and nod at him. "You're blushing Panda." My eyes widen and I turn to the window, Tyler laughs. "You're so adorable." He chuckles once again. "I'm noooot." I wine with a extruded bottom lip for emphasis. He ruffles my hair and continues to the trap. Tyler raps a couple of songs along the way, only to get me excited for this album, it's gonna be amazing. He even tells me he might let out a screenplay. He always has something up his sleeve for his fans. I think it is all so amazing, yeah he gets super busy sometimes but he always tried to make time for me to hang with him. "What are you staring at?!" He raises an eyebrow. Oh shoot, I didn't realize I was staring at him. I quickly turn away and feel my cheeks heat up again. Tyler grabs my hand and my face is a deep crimson, I can tell. We just drive in a comfortable silence on the remainder of the drive.

  We get to the trap and hop out. I'm shaking from excitement. Doms opens the door and gives me a classic bear hug. "Night light, what's shaking baby?" I smile a hug him back. Domo opens the basement door and clears his throat. "Hey niggas, night light is here!" The guys dart up the stairs and hug me one by one. Some of the tighter hugs remind me of the stitches on my stomach but I push the thought in the back of my head and enjoy my welcoming committee. I noticed one if my fuzzy headed idiots were missing. "Where's Travis?" Everyone's smiles turn oddly forced. "Master" I shoot them a questioning look and head upstairs. I swing open the door. "Miss m-" Travis jumps up and Azealia covers her mouth in shock. "Wow." I roll my eyes. "Panda calm down." Travis tries to reason. "And why should I?"  I fold my arms. "You were just begging me for another chance, I said I need some time, and this is how you spend it?" He tries to speak but I cut him off again. "And you, Azealia, you really couldn't have brought this up all the times you came to visit me as a 'loving' friend?" She hangs her head in shame. I shake my head and storm downstairs where I grab Nak's board and skate off to the park.

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