What Now?

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  A sister? How could she keep this from me for damn near nineteen years?! Who wouldn't fight with every inch of their being to get their daughter back? I don't know how to feel, what to believe. What do I do with this information? "Now, I know what you're thinking."  My mom's voice tears me from my thoughts. "But.. your father, he changed numbers, states, and even their last names. She called and her last name was Ashlyn Scott." What kind of twisted man was this? Why wouldn't he want his daughter to know their mother? Why didn't he want me? My mom's alarm chimes rather violently, signaling that it's time for her to get ready for work. I glance at the clock, 5:30, time for her to go and shit. "Mom, but-" She cuts off the alarm before kissing me on the cheek and heading upstairs. I run a tired hand through my hair before inching over to the couch and finally falling asleep.

* * * *

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I lazily roll off the couch onto the carpet. Wait a minute, I'm in my room. Oh, Tyler's here. Must have carried me up here or something. I quickly pick myself up, go brush my teeth, and grab a hoodie before heading downstairs. To no surprise, Tyler's cooking up his world famous breakfast. He gazes up from washing a pan and smiles at me. "Morning sunshine. As you can tell, I took it upon myself to carry you upstairs... and make breakfast."  He laughs, I flash him a sleepy smile. We sit down to eat and I just pick at my food. This whole sister thing is really screwing with me. I just try taking a few bites but don't get far.

"Everything alright Panda? You're not eating..."

"Yeah... I'm good."

"...Does it have to do with why I found you on the couch last night?"

"..... Yeah."



 what happened?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Why didn't you wake me up to stay with you?"

"I knew you were exhausted, plus you looked so cute."  We smiled faintly at one another.

"So, you just watched TV?"

"No, my mom was down here."

"Oh yeah? How'd that g–"

"Tyler, I have a sister."

"What the- ... um, older or younger?"


"Holy shit. How did she come about?"

"She came looking for my mom... well us."


"My dad died."

"Mmm, how tragic."  I laugh at the sarcasm in his voice. "What Panda?"

"Nothing Ty." 

We smiled at one another. 

"Well if she looks anything like you.. I might just have to try my luck.. show her around town." He nudges my arm.

I gasp, mocking offense.

"So no more love for me?!" 

Tyler gets up and swoops me up in a giant hug before whispering: "There will always be love for you Panda."

* * * *

 We're at the shop, just Tyler and I, folding tees. "So, there are a couple of concerts coming up, you in?" I smile. "Sounds good, Syd DJ-ing?" Before Tyler can answer, Travis waltzes in. "I am." I advert my eyes to the boxes in front of me. "Hey, Tyler... Pandora." I honestly have nothing to say to him. Tyler daps him up before Travis continues to the back room. I look at the door and roll my eyes. "Go talk to him Panda." I scoff. "No thanks." Tyler puts down the shirt in his hands. "You have to talk to him someday, you're gonna be around each other a lot. We all know this. Don't make it awkward for everyone else." I ignore Tyler and continue to fold. Next thing I know, Tyler hoists me up in his arms, carries me to the backroom, drops me there, and closes the door behind him. I turn to open the door but he's obviously holding it. I turn again to find Travis staring at me. 

"Staring problem?"

"Panda don't be like that..."

"So how you spoke to me was okay?"

"Well... it was the truth."

"Truth? Truth?! The truth was I left Frank. Then I met you. Sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to ever be attracted to anyone else."

"But one of the wolves? You pick someone who is like a brother."

"I didn't know it'd come to that. I didn't know y'all were friends. But when you put it that way, why didn't you know I was 'Frank's girlfriend'? Huh? Since we are all supposed to know every single thing."

"Okay, you got me there."


"But you knew you had Frank waiting at home for you."

"No! We broke up before I left. I specifically told him not to wait for me while I was gone. He didn't from what he told me."

"Okay, look Panda, I'm sorry; alright?"

"What an apology."

"I mean it."

"Spell 'apology'"

 Travis tosses a shirt at me, laughing at my unprepared reaction. I grab the shirt from the floor and throw it at his face. 

"So we're friends again Pandy?"

"So long as you don't call me that."

Love Crimes (An Odd Future Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ