You Again?

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I wake up in a hotel room and Tyler is knocked out next to me. I take a selfie next to his face and try not to laugh too loud. I look around and notice this room is gigantic. How the hell? A penthouse? I slowly creep out of the bed and go shower. I put my phone on shuffle and Tyler's song analog comes on. I know all the words too. I rap the words with my fake deep voice and sing to his other songs while I wash my hair. I reluctantly get out the shower and handle all my hygiene needs before I dry off and put on some shorts with a tank top. I come out, drying my hair, and Tyler is sitting up smiling. "Sounds like someone likes my stuff." His smile grows, showing off that world famous gap. I laugh and throw the towel at him. "How did you get this room?!" I ask, sitting by his feet. "The album did great, really great." He says and pretends to flip his hair. He gets up and head the bathroom grabbing a towel to shower. "But all this? We didn't need a whole penthouse." He gets to the door and turns back to me. "You're worth it." He says with a smirk and closes the bathroom door behind him. I smile to myself before looking around for a remote to watch some TV heading to the kitchen area for a drink. I grab a bottle of water and return to the room. Tyler walks out wearing a pair of odd future boxers and uses the towel to dry his face. Whoa, when did he get so buff? In an attempt to not look like a creep, I turn on my phone camera and check him out through that. Geez, his body is amazing. He looks up. "Are you taking a picture of me?" He asks before posing and sticking out his butt. "Don't flatter yourself, fag." I laugh and put my phone down. He puts on a white tee and some shorts.

"Hey, have you seen my hat?" He asks turning to me. Surprised he doesn't notice it's on my head. Tyler turns over pillows and walks back to the bathroom. He comes back out and smirks, realizing where it is. "Never mind, you look better in it." He says with a smile. "Thanks." I pose with duck lips and a peace sign which makes him chuckle."How beautiful." i laugh harder than I should've. I fall back on the bed with a smile on my face. I haven't felt so .... relaxed in a very long time. I'm glad that Tyler suggested this when he did, I was freaking out about everything. I don't even know what to do about the Michelle thing. I wish nothing ever happened to Frank but I'll accept him not being mine anymore, I could even be his friend. Travis needs to deal with his issues. I'll still be there for him though. Owen needs help more than any one of us, but that's not my issue. I don't care anymore, I'm just trying to be happy.

My phone chimes and I shake out of my thoughts to answer.

"Hello?" Frank says into the phone

"Uh... Hello?"

"Ummm. Is Tyler there?"

"Yeah but he said to text him because we're about to get food."

"Shit. Um. That works."

"Y-yeah, um how are you." My voice cracks.

"I'm good, just focused on recovering. Look I'm about to get some sleep. Tell Tyler I'll text him later."

"Yeah. ummmm.  .  .Take care."

"You too."

I hang up.

I didn't think I'd miss him so much. My heart nearly stopped altogether when I heard his voice. Tyler shoots me a questioning look. "Yeah I'm good, but people are hungry. Let's go!" I say grabbing his hand and heading towards the door.

Tyler POV

We go to an Italian restaurant and have a pretty good time. We sat there and talked, catching up on everything. All this drama really changed her, not in the best ways either. She sounds hopeless when talking about the future. Doesn't see herself getting married , having a family because "who'd wanna be with someone like her?"; who wouldn't honestly?. It sucks to hear her actually mean that, always thought that was the kind of stuff everyone pictured eventually. I take her hands. "Stop saying that. The cutting, the pills, putting yourself down, you're better than that, I promise you are. All the crap you've been through. Now and as a kid, you're better than it all. You make it through anything, always have, always will. Don't let some guys with dumb mistakes ever make you doubt that, kay?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. Panda smiles and nods.

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