Miss Me?

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Frank's POV

    This shower feels so good; the perfect remedy for a long day. I honestly have no idea why I invited Pandora over.  I'll just say something came up and I can't see her tonight. Yeah, that'll work! I climb out of the shower and slip on some sweatpants before the doorbell chimes. Shit! Too late to back out now. I jog down the stairs, drying off my upper half. I swing the door open and try to act normal. "Hello, Panda." She glances up at me, examining my body. "Something up?" Her head pops up as if ripped from a trance. I take her hand and lead her up to my room. Electricity runs through my bones once our fingers me. I feel like one of those little kids that just talked to their crush for the first time. I can't help but smile. I've always been nervous around her, I don't know why. After all this time she still leaves me speechless. We reach my room and I take a seat on my bed before guiding her so she's standing right in front of me.



"You wanted to talk?"


"Wanna start?"

     She inches away, grabbing the chair from my desk. Antsy from the silence, she stands up and directs herself to my hat wall. Panda makes herself at home with one of my custom caps. My clothes never looked so good."How does it look?" I smirk. "Perfect." Pandora returns her attention to the wall.  This is the girl for me, I should've never let her go; even for this stupid trip. She didn't want to make me wait for her, but does she still even have feelings for me? She could be crazy about him! What if it was all a test to see if I would fight for her? What if I fucked this all up? Damn it! Before I could truly lose myself in through, I remember where I am and glance up at her staring at me.

      "You okay Lonny?" Pan's the only person who could call me by my middle without penalty. I chuckle, telling her I'm fine. She smiles and turns back to my hats. This seems irrational, but I just want to start over. I've missed her. We're not together, but am I wrong for still wanting her? I couldn't take it any more "Pandora?" As soon as she turns around I grab her face and kiss her. She grips my wrists, pushing me slightly before pulling me back in. I pick her up, laying her gently on my bed. What am I doing? I yank myself from her grip. What was I thinking?! Who said she wanted any of that?"I'm sorry Panda, I know you want to stay friends, I just couldn't help myself. I'm in love with you." She's silent. I move so my back is against the wall, she slides over to sit next to me. "I'm sorry Frank. You're already confused, I'm already confused and we aren't seeming to get anywhere close to a conclusion." I wrap my arm around her shoulder. We don't say anything, motionless.

"So... do you like Taco a lot?"

"Yeah, sorta. He's a really nice guy."

"Yeah, he is."

"Sorry, I know this isn't an ideal conversation."

"It's whatever."

"Did you meet anyone?"

"One girl at the club, but we only met a couple times. Never exchanged info or kept in touch. Honestly, we only interact when we're both there."

"So you're back to clubbing I see."

    She looks away from me. My extracurriculars were a huge problem for us . I was always out, getting trashed. It caused a lot of arguments. I was someone completely different on that stuff. And now, I "found" a girl there. She's probably gonna assume I'm with her every time I do go to the club. We both sigh and stare at one another. I turn to lay down, pulling her down beside me before wrapping my arms around her.

"Lonny, it's really late."

"12:30, and pouring. Just stay.. please?"

She doesn't say anything. Eventually, she adjusts her position and slowly falls asleep.

Pandora POV

    I wake up earlier than Frank and jump on his computer; hoping to find his music. He's released two mixtapes but is working on his first album. From what I've heard, it's gonna be great. As the melodies linger from his speakers, a voice lowly chimes in. "Morning Lonny." He passes off a sleepy smile before lingering into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He comes back in to kiss me on the cheek. "You eat breakfast yet?" I shake my head. "Oh come on Lynn, don't tell me you hate food again."  Wow, he hasn't called me by my middle name in ages. He grabs my hand and we walk downstairs. Frank grabs his keys before we head to the door. "Where are we going?" He smiles at me and turns back to the car. "A little restaurant by the water, one of my favorites. Somewhere you can fill that little tummy of yours." I stop in my tracks, he's lightly yanked by my pause. "I can't go anywhere looking like this." He laughs, shakes his head, and chuckles. "You look great."

* * *

     We sit down and he orders for us. He knows what's good here so I won't argue. The view is beautiful, there will be no problem enjoying my time here. It's really peaceful. Frank's just holding my hand across the table, lightly grazing his thumb across it. Every time I glance at my hand, he laughs. I'm still not sure how to feel about everything yet. Travis said it's fine but I know he's feeling some type of way about all of this. Frank just jumped back into the damn thing. I still haven't decided. No one's really asked me what I've decided.

"Something on your mind Pandora?"

"N-no. I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"You're really gorgeous, ya know that?"

"You're just saying that."

"Oh, I am?"

     He uses the grip on my hand to reel me in for a kiss. I smile, though uneasy from my thoughts. We pull back and the waitress awkwardly presents our food. She flashes a shy smile before leaving with an empty tray. He stares at me, waiting for me to take my first bite. I shift in my seat before bringing the fork to my face. Oh my god. This food is so delicious! A few more scoops make their way to my mouth. I don't wanna stop eating, but I have to. I push my plate away, Frank shoves it right back at me. "You like it, eat it. Don't worry." I shrug and pick at my food. Before I know it, my plate is clean; Frank can't stop smiling. "That's my girl." I roll my eyes. He pays for the meal and leads me back to the car. Before he drives off, he pulls me in for another kiss as he starts the car.

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