Guilty Pleasures

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It's been three days since that day back at Fairfax. I've been paranoid to say the least, the very least. It has been somewhat soothing, having Tyler by my side 24/7 but you can never be too sure with Owen; he's a sneaky, vindictive, manipulative, deviated little son of a -somebody. I'd never call his mom a bitch, she's too sweet and kind. She's just been burdened with the devil as her son. When he was sent away from me pressing charges; she still kept in touch, repeatedly apologized for the trauma he caused. What a shame.

"Everything okay Panda?"  I had forgotten Tyler was in here.

"Uh, um, yeah."

"Okay.... can I ask you something?"

"Just did nigga."

"Shut up, I'm serious."

"Haha, yeah, you can."

"Last week, when you went to the hospital....."


"You cut cause you saw him, didn't you?"


"Didn't you?"


He sulks in his seat, almost as if he knew the whole time. "I'm sorry Tyler." He turns to face the computer and goes back to watching skating videos on YouTube. I watch a couple of them from the distance before I play around on my phone. Tyler's phone chimes and a text from Frank pops up, I should check it but I decide to get his attention. I call his name but he doesn't respond to me. I try again three more times and he still doesn't budge. I don't know how to respond. Just then, he slowly turns to face me. 

"Ya know Pandora, I told you to tell me when something like this came up. Do you honestly like being this way?"

"Exactly what 'way' are you talking about?"

"Cutting, paranoid, panic attack prone. That way, do you like it?"

"Well... n-no, I-"

"Then why won't you take any fucking help? We are trying to help you, but you want to act like you have to go at it alone. That's why all of us are fucking here for you!"

"Tyler, you're yelling."

".............. That's all you're gonna grasp from this, that I'm' yelling"

"I'm not saying that."

"Don't you have a 'getaway'  that you need to pack for?"

Well shit, I get off of my bed and storm out, looking for my duffel bag from dance classes. I stop by the bathroom, grabbing my hygiene related thinngs. Upon returning to my room with my bag and other things, Tyler glances over and scoffs before returning, once again, to his skating videos that he holds so dear. I angrily get my things and pack a weekend bag. I can't believe Tyler, he just doesn't seem to get it. Before I could turn to say anything, Frank honks his horn twice. "Bye Pandora." He spits out angrily. I just sigh and head out. Before I clear the doorway, I turn to face Tyler. "Ya know, I didn't want any of you to worry. My bad for thinking about others." I turn on my heels and walk out.

* * * *

  I can't believe that just happened, it's so not like me. I guess I wouldn't really know. I've never done anything like that before. It's amazing, yet completely mortifying. I grab his '09 supreme  sweatshirt  off of the floor and slip it on. I slightly stumble. Frank breaks out into laughter. "My bad babe, need help there, a cane... life alert?" I stick my tongue out at him and he raises an eyebrow. "I take it that you want to go again missy, cause I'm down." I laugh and turn to go to the bathroom. "Lynn, you know ... for a virgin and all .... you sure know how to fuck." I flip him off and enter the bathroom. I hear him add: "my my."  I'm stuck thinking about his words and linger off into the bathroom. I shake out of my thoughts and realize that I forgot what I was gonna do in here. I check myself in the mirror and return to the bed with Frank.

"Okay Lonny, due to recent actions, I've only seen the front door, the stairs, and this bedroom. Mind taking me on a tour?" He smirks to himself before nodding, getting out of bed. He's in his boxers on once again, I guess he got dressed when I was in the bathroom. He grabs my hand and takes me outside, turning to face the front door. "Ready?" I laugh at the fact that we're outside like this, barely clothed and out of breath. We step inside and it's a palace. A gigantic living room and kitchen. He shows me the theater in the basement before roaming back to the top floor, showing me all of the rooms, taking me back to the master bedroom and plopping down on the bed. "Guessing you want a lazy day?" He smiles greatly and nods before pulling me on top of him. "Yes ma'am. I just wanna lay in bed with some movies and my baby, sound good?" I nod, plant a kiss on his lips. I remember what I wanted to go to the bathroom for, a shower. I quickly get up and grab a towel before heading to the bathroom.

    I turn the faucet and make sure the water is warm. I strip myself of all clothing before stepping in. As much as I wanna sit in the tub, I decide to take a quick shower and head to bed. This water feels so perfect, I tilt my head and wet my hair before washing it quickly. I hear the shower door open and then something covers my eyes which are currently covered in suds. What the fuck is going on?! Suddenly I feel a kiss on my shoulder. Oh, it's just Frank. I wash out the shampoo and turn to find him with a smirk on his face. Before I can say anything, he covers my mouth and shushes me. "Glad too see you too." He runs his hands over my hips and directs his lips to my neck. He chuckles lightly. "Round two."

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