A meal for two

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I made my way to Ramins room after finishing up my shift. I didnt know what was about to happen but as i knocked on the door i realised it was too late to be over thinking now.

I heard a shuffle and someone making their way towards the door. The latch clicked and their stood Ramin. In all his glory. 😊

"Ar Amy, come in" i walked in and a dinner table was set out in his hotel room on the balcony...what was this. Was he planning on his wife coming over and wanted my help.

"This dinner is to say thank you to you. For finding my son"

"Oh god Ramin. You didn't have to. Seriously i couldn't just leave him there."

"Well its too late to go back now."

"Urgh fine" i smiled and sat down. Ramin sitting opposite me.

"So what would you like, we have a beef dinner available, chicken dinner, chicken nuggets and chips" he kept reading off the menu from room service.

"I would like a beef dinner please".

"Ok cool" He went and ordered food and came and sat back down.

"So Amy, tell me about yourself"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well for a starter. Why you're here?"

"Its quite a long story which im not willing to go through at the moment" i looked down and let a tear slip. Ramin lifted my head and wiped my tears away.

"Its fine. Im sorry i asked"

"Its ok"

"So what do you want to be then...or do in life...since you said earlier in the lobby that you would rather live your life before having kids?"

"I want to travel to London and watch a musical or a show. I want to go to New York to see the statue of liberty and walk around central park. I want to go to canada. But most of all i want to stand on the stage at the royal albert hall and sing to my hearts content" he looked at me amazed.

"Wow...thats alot."

"I guess so"

"So is Hadley your only son?" I asked Ramin.

"No. I have another son caller Jayden"

"Does their mum not mind you been with me?" He laughed and shook his head.

"We arnt together anymore. Divorced about two weeks after Hadley was born. We have been divorced five years"

"Oh right. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all, i am 32"

"You look good for 32" i smiled and he blushed.

"Well thank you Amy"

Dinner eventually came up and i enjoyed every second of it.

"So, it has been very nice to spend today with you Ramin."

"And you Amy" he kissed my cheek. I walked out of the door and headed the street to my home. I quickly called at the shop and bought a few essentials.

"Bye Bella" i smiled and walked out. "Oh Isabelle...here. a few more blankets and pillows are in the bag"

"Thanks Charlie. See you tomorow" i walked out and down towards the train station. I walked under the train bridge and saw all my family.

"Hey Bella" my friend said to me as he cuddled up the fire.

"Hi Frank. Here i got you some Crisps. Your favourite."

"Oh thank you Bella" i opened the bag and gave him a blanket. "For you and Claire to share. Its feeling colder tonight. Stay warm" he nodded and wrapped the blanket around himself.

I handed a few more bits of food out to the others and made my way to my corner.

"Bella bella bella" My seven year old brother ran into my arms and hugged me close.

"Hey champ. Look i got you some sweets and some chocolate." He smiled and took them from me.

"Did you have a fun day at work today?"

"Yes i did."

"Hey Bella" my friend Troy came up to me.

"Hiya Troy, was he ok today?"

"Yeh brill as always."

"Thank you for looking after him" Troy sat down.

"Dont worry about it. I mean you're the one who gets us all food and blankets. Without you, been homeless would be worse than it already is"

"No problem. Come on champ...we have to get to bed. Here Troy. A spare blanket for you."

Troy left and me and Cameron went to sleep. The floor was cold but hey. It could be worse. The life of the homless isnt as bad when you're surrounded by people who care.

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