Suprise part two

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The day after me and Ramin got into our tiny argument everything became better again. We decided we would tell the police about the hater and get them found. It was our last day and Ramin had planned to go watch Chitty chitty bang bang. Carrie was playing Truly and i couldn't wait to watch it.

"Beautiful come on. We will be late." Ramin shouted as i tried to squeeze into my extremely tight dress. Why did i buy this dress again. It showed off my figure but breasts had no space to breathe. I walked out of the toilet and Ramin stood shocked.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes perfect. You You look...amazing" i blushed and grabbed my purse.

"Come on. We will be late" I laughed grabbing Ramins hand and heading down to the lobby where our taxi awaited.

"Hey Ramin.long time no see" A girl with dirty blonde hair called.

Ramin smiled and then began to walk faster towards the taxi. He pushed me in and told the driver to go. I looked at him funny.

"Who was that?"

"No one. Never seen her before in my life"

I looked at him strange. If he didn't know her why did he suddenly rush. I left it alone and focused on where we were going. I got my phone out and decided to tweet.

Hey guys. So im on my to watch CCBB at the theatre. Im so excited.

Instant replies came through.

Me to

Omg we will be in the same room

Is Ramin with you?

I laughed and replied to most of them. Ramin was still really on edge and i couldn't see why?  If he didn't know this girl what was he so worried about.?

3 hours later.

The performance had finished and it was perfect. The cast, the performance, the music and the lights...EVERYTHING. i was like an excited teenager as i bought myself three tshirts and a few other things. We headed outside and i saw that girl who said hi to Ramin.

Ramin had gone to buy a drink and himself a tshirt while i stood outside. The girl saw me and walked over to me smiling.

"Hi im Katelyn. Im Ramins ex girlfriend."

"He never mentioned you. Were you before Mandi?"

"Gosh no. Im not that old. Im 24. We dated about 2 years ago" She smirked and twirled her haie through her fingers. Ramin lied to me. He said he didn't know her.

"Oh. How long were you together?"

"Oh about five months. We didn't want people knowing about it. We wanted to keep it secret. Ramine hates people knowinfg about his private life. He loved me and i loved him and thats all we needed to know. The world didn't need to know."

"Oh right. Why did you break up?"

"He got really clingy and i didn't like it. He asked me to marry him and i said no. Then i broke up with him. Everything was moving too fast for me..."

"I see..." I heard her gasp and she smiled.

"Ramin, hey sweetie. Long time no see. Have you asked her for her hand in marriage yet. You've dated her longer than you dated me. Or did you not want her knowing?" She smirked and waved, walking off. Ramin looked at me but i walked away. I hate liars and he knows that.

"Belle wait...let me explain"

"I don't want to hear it lied to me. You know i can't stand liars. You knew her and you said you didn't. Just...i don't want to be near you right now."

"Baby please wait."

"I said leave me alone Ramin"

"Where are you going?" He shouted.

"To another hotel."

"Baby please don't do this"

"Goodbye Ramin" i walked off and stopped a taxi before climbing in. I drove by Ramin as he stared at me, tears escaping his eyes. I started to cry myself.

"You ok miss?" The taxi driver shouted.

"I will be eventually. When ever i stop dating liars"

"Boyfriend troubles ey?" I nodded.

"Look, not that its any of my buisness but...i lost my wife when she was at the age of 34. She was hit by a drunk driver. We had an argument that day but i still loved her with every inch of my heart. What im trying to say're young and you should be spending every moment you can making memories you will remember because one day you may not make anymore. That argument could be your last...don't make it one that will stay on your mind for the rest of you life. Sort it out...if its so bad that you can't then let him go. But if its a petty thing...don't make anything more out of it. The past is the past for a reason my dear." I smiled.

"Can we go back to the theatre please?" I saw him smile in the mirror and nod. We made our way back and i saw Ramin on the other side of the road. I payed the driver and also tipped him.

"And miss" i looked through the window "good luck"

"Thank you."

"RAMIN" He turned and saw me and looked at me confused. I ran into his arms and said sorry so many times.

"What are you sorry for?. Im the one who lied." He laughed, crying.

"I didn't give you the chance to explain" We went to a resturant and ate before i asked him to explain the full story.

"Ok so about two years ago when i was playing a part in a play, she was playing my partner. We got to know one another and went on a few dates. Then we got together and i was really happy. She made my life complete. On our fifth month anniversary. I asked her to marry me. I was so in love and to me it felt right. Apparantly she didn't feel the same way and we broke up. Just incase you're wondering."

"Im sorry i didn't listen before. I guess...i just thought you didn't trust me..." I grabbed his hand over the table.

"I trust you with everything beautiful. Look i know this is probably the worst time to do this goes." He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Belle, i have known you and loved you eight months now. I dont want you to think im rushing and if you do then im never proposing to anyone again" he stopped and laughed and so did i. "It would do me the amazing honour if you were to become my Wife. And to marry me. So Issabella. Will you marry me?" The whole resturant was smiling waiting for my answer. I had a tear dripping down my face that Ramin wiped away.

"Yes...yes i will" i smiled as he placed the ring on my finger and we kissed. The whole resturant erupted into cheers. I laughed and kissed Ramin again.

We headed back to the hotel and finally me and Ramin became one...if you know what i mean.

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