A month

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A month had passed since we arrived in London and to be honest. It wasn't as hard as i expected. The rehearsals were well under way and i had skyped my family every couple of days. Cameron was doing well in school and Frank had a job. Claire recently found out that she had an interview for a job also. Tyler had gone to College and Troy was still looking for a job. Soon enough we were all going to be able to afford this house and we could stay in it after the show finished.

"Baby, im going. See you  when i get back" Ramin kissed my head as he quietly shut the door. I rolled over and opened my eyes. London was beautiful and the view from my balcony was even better. Ramins show was two months away from openig night and mine was a month away. I was nervous but i had the lines,songs and dances nailed. It was pretty easy. I stretched on the double bed and quickly jumped out. I put Ramins Tshirt on and headed into the kitchen.

"No food. Brilliant. I ask him to do one thing" i frowned as i got back changed and headed to the shop.

"Hi, just this and a pack of Sterling please" i hadn't told Ramin but i had recently started smoking from stress. I had tried to stop countless times in the last month but everything is getting on top of me.

"Thanks". I headed back to the hotel after getting a starbucks and went and sat on the balcony. You see the thing is...i sort of lied to you guys at the beginning. Things armt easy. Infact they have never been harder.

Me and Ramin hardly ever see each other. He goes to rehearsals at eight and comes home at six. I start rehearsals at four and come home around 12 so by the time we are both together we are too tierd to do anything. I miss my family like mad and Skype calls just arnt enough anymore. I just...don't know what to do.

My phone rang and i noticed it was Ramin.


"Hello Erm. Could you come to theatre?. We need to talk"

"Yeh sure. I will be there soon"

"Ok bye"

"Bye. I love you too i guess" He had already hung up before he could hear me say i love you.

I got my phone and purse and headed towards the Theatre. It was a ten minute walk so i didnt really mind the journey. I arrived at the Theatre and i could see Ramin outside. I smiled as i got to him.

"Hey". He kissed me on the cheek and smiled.

"Whats going on?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to see you?" Ramin replied 

"You said we needed to talk"

"We do. Can you come with me please?" I nodded and followed him to his dressing room. Which FYI was much bigger than it needed to be.

I sat down on the couch as he sat opposite me.

"Belle. Are you happy in this relationship?" Ramin asked concerned.

"Yes. Why arn't you?"

"I am really happy. But i can tell you're lying. Somethings been wrong with you since we got to London. You shut yourself off from me. I know we dont see each other very often but when we do its so much more special. I know you have started smoking as well. Why arn't you telling me these things? What's making you be like this?" Ramin finished his speech and moved close to me so he could hold my hands.

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