Our night

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Ok so the den idea kind of failed. It stayed up for ten minutes but collpassed a few seconds later. Turns out it wasn't as sturdy as i first thought. Oppps. Ramin didn't mind though. He just laughed. We ended up falling asleep on the floor because we were both too lazy to move.

I woke up and found Ramin stood in the kitchen.

"Whatcha doing?" He smiled and held up the pan.

"Breakfast on the floor"

I laughed amd headed back over to the den waiting for it to be done. We ate together and then got dressed to go on a walk. The day after we were going back to America so i could see my family and i couldn't be more excited.

We called at some shops on the way and i bought a few christmas presents as christmas was only two month away and i was extremely excited.

"So what do you want to do today then?" I asked Ramin as i snuggled into him to get warm as we walked around London.

"Lets go watch a show and then go for meal?"

"Sounds like a plan...what show though?"

"Phantom of the Opera...PLEASEEE i really want to watch it" i jumped in front of Ramin who laughed at me for my sudden outburst of excitement.

"If thats what you want."

"Can we please go meet Ben Forster after?" I jumped around again. I had always wanted to meet Ben since i was around 18. Now i finally had a chance.

"Anything for my girl" i squeled in excitement and tackeld Ramin into a massive hug. We headed towards the Theatre and purchased tickets.

"Well if it isnt my angels of music"

"Morning Andrew" Andrew kissed my cheek and shook Ramins hand.

"What are you doing here?"

"Can't keep away from the Theatre. This one" Ramin pointed at me and laughed "wanted to come and see it in London and also wants to meet Ben Forster. Shes a little bit obssessed with him" i laughed and punched Ramin.

"Im not obssessed. Im a dedidcated fan"

This then caused Andrew to laugh.

"Hes backstage if you want to meet him now" i smiled like a chesire cat and dragged Ramin by the arm as we followed Andrew to Ben. We walked down a long corridoor as Bens dressing room came in view. I suddenly felt nervous and grabbed Ramins hand for comfort. He looked at me and smiled as he squeezed my hand.

"You will be ok beautiful" i nodded and took a deep breath. Andrew knocked on the door and Bens angelic voice sounded from the other side telling us to enter. I walked in and there he stood. The mask set on his face. The wig. The costume. My lord. He was handsome. Not Ramin Handsome but...handsome.

"Hello?" Ben held out his hand as Andrew introduced us.

"This is Isabelle and You already know Ramin." He shook my hand as i died inside.

"I already know Isabelle as well. One of my favourite Christines. You have a wonderfull voice. "

"Did Ben Forster just compliment me?" I turned to Ramin who shook his head smiling.

"Sorry mate. Shes abit of a fan"

"Ha its fine. You two are a cute couple. Whens the wedding?" Ramin smiled and blushed.

"We don't know yet" he answered as i admired Bens dressing room. He had drawings all over his room. One stood out in paticuler. I remember when i first watched Phantom with Cameron and he said he wanted to send Ben a picture as he was the current Phantom at the time. There Camerons picture stood on Bens wall.

"Belle...you ok?" Ramin asked.

"Yeh...Thats Camerons picture. I didn't think you would get it" i said talking to Ben.

"Yep. One of my first drawings. One of my favourite. Hes a brill artist." I smiled as a tear dripped down my face.

"You ok?" Ben asked.

"Yeh sorry. Just home sick"

"I know the feeling. Its just something you have to get ust to. Believe it or not but it does get easier." Ben stated as Ramin nodded in agreement.

"I hope so..." i really did hope so...i couldn't deal with this pain every time i left my family.

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