The end.

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After i finally got to see my family again i felt alot better. Cameron had become top in his class. Claire and Frank both had jobs and Troy was doing an apprentaship. We had spent two days there and did things as a family. On the last day, around about three oclock i told my family i was going to spend some time with Cameron. I realised how much i hadnt payed attention to him.

"Bye guys see you soon" Me and Cameron grabbed ourself an ice cream and walked along the sea front. Going in and out of a few shops to see if Cameron liked anything. Christmas was quickly coming around so i decided to get him somethings.


"Mm?" I sat down with Cameron on the beach and he sat in front of me.

"You're not sad are you?"

"What do you mean?"

"That you cant see me all the time?" I laughed.

"Of course i am...Cameron, i miss you everyday and being so far away scares me. What if something goes wrong?"

"Then you will get a phone call and you can rush straight over. You dont have to worry about me. Im big, i can look after myself. You should have fun"

"Cameron...Is that what you think?" Cameron looked down.


"Well Ramin Asked me if i was fine with it and then told me to tell you."
"Anger flew through my body. What right did he have to do this? I stood up and headed back to the house with Cameron at myside.

I barged in the door and grabbed Ramin from the sofa. He looked at me confused.

"Cameron, stay downstairs and dont listen to what is said upstairs"  I shouted as Ramin followed me upstairs.

I walked in my old room and stood near the window. Ramin came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I moved them from me. I turned and pushed him away from me.


"Dont you Belle dare you tell my brother to tell me that he would be fine without me. If he wants me to stay all he has to say is stay and i would. He means more to me than you ever will and for you to make a young boy do that is ridiculous. Why would you do that?"

Ramin looked down. He was silent.

"I cant believe you would do that Ramin. You manipulated My brother to say things he didnt want to so you could have me to yourself."

"Hang on...i didnt manipulate him into saying anything. I asked him what he thought about you being so far and he told me in his own words what he thought. i asked him if he minded telling you that as he was worried. He said he would. I never told him to say that. He had a choice from the beginning"

"I cant do this anymore Ramin. Being away from my family...arguing with you. All we seem to do is argue. This relationship isnt healthy Ramin. We both know that."

"Belle what are you saying?"  I take Ramins ring off my finger.

"Im saying i think we need to go on a break. I need a few months by myself. Im going back to london to do Andrews show for a month then im taking a year out. Im going to go traveling. Im taking Cameron with me in the holidays so he can see the world. I cant do that while worrying that we would argue while im away. Im sorry Ramin. But its over"  I put the ring in his hand and walked downstairs. Ramin ran after me and caught me.

"Please Belle dont do this" He stated as he grabbed my hand.

"I love you Ramin. But i cant go on like this...not anymore." I grabbed my suitcase and headed out of the door, after saying goodbye to my family for another month. This time when i went. Things would be different and this time for the better.

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