A suprise roadtrip.

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I woke up the next morning in Ramins bed and looked around confused...im pretty sure i stopped at home last night. I looked to Ramin sleeping peacfully and decided not to wake him. He had his little dimple showing because he was smiling. It was the cutest thing. I quickly took a picture and put it on my instagram.

Such a stunner in his sleep. My beautiful man child 😘 xxx

I tagged him in the photo and then went to make some breakfast. I turned on the radio and started dancing to raining men. About two minutes into the song i heard a chuckle. I turned and stopped when i saw Ramin.

"Gosh...please don't stop at my command" i laughed and rememebered what i wanted to ask him.

"Ramin. How did i get here last night? Im pretty sure i slept at home."

"Yes you were going to. Until you knocked on my door at 2am saying you missed me and you wanted to stay here." I tried hard to remember that happening.

"Oh wait...i remember now haha" he chuckled and came and hugged me from behind.

"What you making?"

"A bacon sandwhich."

"Tasty." I smiled and turned around to him.

"So whats the plan today then?"

"Well you are going home to pack...me and you are going away for the weekend. Don't worry...Frank and Claire offered to look after Cameron. "

"Where are we going?" I asked

"It's a suprise."

I moaned...i hate suprises. I finished off the sandwhich and gave  Ramin half.

"Ok so i will see you soon".

"I will come pick you up" Ramin shouted as i walked down the hall.

5 hours later.

Ramin arrived on time and i placed my luggage in the boot.

"Belle, what's this?" He showed me his phone and the picture of him sleeping came up.

"You put this online...for all my fans to see" He looked really angry.

"Im sorry, i...i just thought...i will take it down...im sorry i didnt mean to show you had a girlfriend. " His eyes softened as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Woah...hey beautiful. I didn't mean it like that. I meant the photo showing me asleep and ugly. Now none of my fans will think im hot so if we ever break up i have no chance of getting someone new." He laughed..then i started laughing.

"Don't do that Ramin...you scared me."

"Im sorry princess. But i do intend to get payback..." He smirked which made me shiver.

We started on the road and Ramin put some music on. About two hours into the journey we decided to stop at a resturant and have a quick break.

There was a park near by so we got an ice cream and walked around the park, Ramins hand holding tightly to mine. Ramin quickly took a picture when he squished some ice cream on my nose and then put it on instagram.

My Beautiful girl enjoying her ice cream abit too much dont you think? Nice weekend away together. Xxxxx Ps this isnt the payback either. @Belle_of_the_ball

I hearted the photo and commented saying that he shoved it in my face.
We stayed in the park for another half hour before heading back to the car. We set back off and found ourself still on the road at 1am.

"Ramin. Shouldn't we stop for the night somewhere.?"

"Yes i suppose so." He pulled off at the next available station and we made our way inside the hotel.

"Hi, could we have a double room please. Just for the night?"

The man looked at the computer and nodded.

"We have one available on the third floor. Will you be staying for breakfast in the morning?"

"No" I looked at Ramin...no breakfast :( .

"And will you be paying cash or card?'

"Card please"

Finally we were up in our room and i was already falling asleep. My eyes shut tight and before i knew it i was away with the fairies.

"Hello...wake up sleepy head"

"No...i don't want to." I grumbled turning back and going to sleep.

"Ok...you leave me no choice"

"Go away" i mumbled. It went quiet and i fell back to sleep. Until

"Beeeeppppp" Ramin and blown one of those annoying horn things right in my ear. I heard him laugh and then shout payback. I looked to see him videoing me.

"Game on karimloo...game on"

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