You're homeless?

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Hey so alot of things have happened since i met Ramin. I have known him three months. He left shortly after i met him but we have stayed in contact.

I was at work when my boss came over to me and handed me a check.

"Im sorry to do this but we have to let some staff go. Very sorry but you are one of them"

"Oh god,no please,  you can't. You dont understand i have people i have to look after. They depend on me"

"Im sorry. The wage should last you until you find a new job" i burst into tears and ran out of the building. I ran to the end of the pier at the side of the hotel. I looked over at the sea.

Now what? We would all starve. I needed a new job...i needed one soon. Cameron could starve. Id lose my brother. Frank and Claire...they could loose one another.

"Excuse me miss are you ok, i saw you cry-" he suddenly stopped talking. "Amy?" I turned when i realised he knew my name.

"Amy, whats a matter?"

"Ramin...what are you doing back?"

"I am working here again. You were so cheery when i last saw you. What has changed in these last three months.?"

"You wouldn't understand" i turned and started walking away.

"Hey wait Amy" he grabbrd my hand and turned me round.

"Ramin please, just let me go" i yanked my hand out of his and walked off. He didn't follow me. I walked down to the bridge and everyone smiled at me.

"Belle is everything ok?" Frank asked me. I couldn't lie to them. I burst into tears and they all came to me.

"Im sorry you guys, i lost my job. I failed you all"

"Oh god hunny, no way. You havn't failed us. You helped us live, you gave us extra breaths of life. You gave us blankets and warmth and looked after us. We couldn't rely on you all our life. What happens when you and that voice of yours gets on stage, then what? We have to survive without you" Claire said causing me to smile.

"Thanks to you, we have all become closer and lived such a good life."

"I love you guys"

"Bella, how will we get food?"

"I have 500 pound to last the month. We will be fine for now. I will find another job soon i promise"

"I will as well. Us homless have got to stick together. Me and you will go together and find one." Claire shouted. I smiled and nodded.

"You're homeless" Everything went silent as i turned to see Ramin stood shocked. I held my head down. Everyone looked at him.

"Ramin...please. i told you to leave me alone"

"I know you did. But i didn't listen. Can you all come with me please?"

"What for?" I shouted as he walked away.

"We're all going for a meal, my treat. Lets go...chop chop" We all looked at one another and i walked off. They all followed me. I caught up to Ramin who smiled at me.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Im helping you all out."

"Why though?"

"Why should you suffer while i have money to spare.?" I smiled.

"Ok lets go" We turned up to the resturant and was led to our table. Our meal was amazing and our family felt loved as people weighted hand on foot for us. They didn't judge or deny us.

"Thank you for tonight Ramin. You really are amazing"

"As are you. You helped all these people. You worked to keep them alive. To keep them healthy. You are amazing and a true inspiration to everyone everywhere."

"Thank you Ramin" I think i was in love...oh god. Not this. What is this feeling, so sudden and new?" (Please someone get that refrence)

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