Some sad news

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Seven months had passed and Phantom had finished. I had played Christine 12 times after Sierra argued with me saying i was too good to waste. Also she did get a very sore throat so she needed a few days off. The reviews about me were mixed but that didn't stop me trying to achieve my goals.

I was also 2 month into my new show from Andrew lyyod Webber. It was called Finding my way. Its about a woman who has no idea what she wants to do in life apart from the steriotypical view of what a woman should do. For example she doesn't want to clean. She wants to be a sailor. She doesnt want to marry for money but for love. Its a great story with a great script to follow it.

"Listen to me. I am not going to stand here and be told by a man what i am to do with my life"

"You are a have no right to speak to me like that"

"Well maybe that needs to change...maybe women should have the right to be free. Free to choose what they want to do in life. Free to choose who they want to be. Not who people like you choose them to be"

"How dare you raise your voice to me."

"And scene. Thank you. Belle, See you in a few days. I will text you the time"

I nodded and went backstage to my dressing room...yes i got my own dressing room. Wooohooo. I have gone up in the world haha. Seriously this was amazing. I was gaining money. We finally had somewhere to live. Frank and Claire had both got jobs. Troy and Tyler were looking and Cameron had started at a school.

"Hey Belle. Someone is in your dressing room. Ramin his name is". I smiled and thanked the girl.

"Ramin hey" i ran up to him and hugged him. He looked sad...really sad."

"Is everything ok?" He shook his head no.

"I have to leave. I have been given a new musical oppurtunity...i have to take it. Belle this could be the start of something amazing for me. I just can't bare to leave you"

"Hey...Ramin you can do this ok. I will try and get away from here to come see you. You can always come over here. We can make this work" he nodded and kissed me passionatly. It got abit heated but i stopped him. I wasn't ready for that.

"I have to go. I will see you tomorow. I leave in a week. I have a suprise for you before i go" i nodded and he walked out.

What would happen if i loose Ramin. I wouldn't be able to cope. My phone buzzed and i noticed the caller was unknown.

"I hate you"

I replied asking who it was but the message wouldn't send. Strange. I walked out of my dressing room and headed home. Quickly calling to the shop for some food.

"Excuse me...can i have your autograph?" I turned to see a young teenager stood in front of me. She had a Phantom tshirt on and also Phantom shoes. They were amazing.

"Yes sure. I love your shoes."

"Thank you. I have the 25th anniversary ones at home as well"

"They are ace. Might have to get some"

"You should."

"You know what...i will" she smiled and then asked for a picture. Which i gladly took. We took quite a few to be fair, each one funnier than the last.

I arrived home later than i expected but arrived non the less. I had thought about going up to Ramins hotel but i knew he was upset. I decided to leave him be.

My bed felt empty that night but i knew i had to get used to it. I mean...god knows how long it would be like that. My phone vibrated and i had two messages. One from Ramin

Im sorry for been so moody. See you tomorow princess. Love your Ramin.

I smiled and sent him back a message. The second message was from the same unknown number from earlier.

You looked horrible at rehearsal today. Why would they even pick you for the part of Chloe. Eww

That night...i hate to admit it...but that night. I cried myself to sleep. Maybe this was were everything good ended for me.

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