Chapter 2

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"A tail. Like my dignity could sink no lower."

You may wonder why I sounded calm. Honestly, I was freaking out, but I couldn't think of what else to say. Reject Rebecca now has a tail!

Wonderful. Just wonderful.

I pulled off my hoodie and hid the new extension behind the hanging cloth tied around my waist. Some ended up still showing, so it was tucked behind my backpack. The base of my tail ached.

Walking normally proved difficult. The tail twitched and tried to stretch out. It took me too long to get to the station. I missed the bus.

Of course, what could make the day any better.

I knew the way home. If I jogged I could make it in twenty minutes, tops. With the tail, it would take much longer.

The whole way home, my tail fought me. It twisted and thumped against my back.

When I passed Martin's Grocery Store, I waved to Bale, the policeman on duty. My tail shuttered a little. Bale's smile melted into shock then he looked away like nothing happened. My stride became longer after that. I was running when I got home.

My momma waited on the front porch. Her foot was tapping so fast my eyes could barely follow.
Oh, no. Super speed means super trouble.

What did I do this time? Did I fail my math test? Did momma find out about me sneaking out at night to walk around the neighborhood?

"Rebecca," she started, her tone dangerously calm. WARNING! ALERT! WARNING! " The bus got here forty minutes ago. Why weren't you on it?"

"I... um..." My tail flicked nervously.

"Hold it!" My momma's eyes were as big as saucers. Her nostrils flared... but not in anger. Her searching gaze lingered on my hoodie and my backpack.

"Um, Momma? I have something to tell you." I cleared my throat. How was I supposed to say this? "Today, in math, I..."

She moved so fast, I didn't know where she went until she slammed into me, giving me a tight hug.

"Air... please," I choked.

"Oh! Sorry, sweetheart. Come inside and show me! I can't wait to call your father!"

Baffled, I was ushered into my home. Momma babbled about her first "Change" and something about whiskers growing from her nose. I shuffled into the living room and dumped my pack on the couch. My hoodie fell to the floor resulting from the loose knot. My tail gladly stretched and whacked into the coffee table.


And the metal lamp.


And a wooden chair.


Seriously, how many hard things do we have in this house?

Momma smiled at my new appendage . "Just like your grandmother!" She snatched my tail, tickling my cheek with its end. "I got whiskers. Went home right away. I nearly died of embarrassment! Your father got the ears. That was an interesting date. Oh! I need to call him! He wouldn't want to miss your first entering."


"It's a tradition. Where's my phone? Here we go..." It rang three times before Ms. Lauren, the women at my dad's front desk, answered. "Hello, listen- oh. Could you tell him it's a family emergency? No, it's very important. Tell him 'big ears' emergency. Okay, thank you. Have a great afternoon. Okay, goodbye."

"What. Is. Happening?? I have a tail! Why aren't we calling a hospital? Or Human Services? I think something's tail is stuck to my butt!"

Momma's smile melted. "We never go to any Namuh health association. They can't know about the Shai Soi. They'll experiment on every tribe and run us to extinction. Not even the Chai could outwit the government."

"Namu? Shae soy? Chay? What are you talking about! Momma, I have a tail! How do I get rid of it, cut it off?"

"No, we'll-"

The front door burst open. In walked my dad with a rumpled suit and an undone tie. His shoes hung around his neck from their knitted laces. His socks were muddy and ripped like he ran all the way here.

But that was impossible. He was on a business trip somewhere in Ohio. Not even the company's private jet could get here that fast.

"There's my big girl! What did you get? Oh, a tail! Just like your grandmother. She'll be glad to hear about this."

"Honey, Becky was just asking a few questions. I wanted to wait for you to arrive, so we can explain together. The Den or wait until Council?"

"Den. She needs time."

"Time for what?" I asked.

"Time to explore your abilities. Come on."

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