Chapter 27

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Derek sat behind the counter, typing at his computer. He didn't even look up when I jumped over the counter and took a sip of his water. I didn't think he'd look up if my hair was on fire. He was too absorbed in his thesis. I guessed some things never changed.

I flicked his ear. "Hey!" That got his attention. He looked terrible. Bags darker than mine made him resemble a raccoon. His blue eyes were bloodshot. I glanced at the computer, the screen was filled with a jumble of random letters. He hadn't written anything. That was concerning.

"Hey, you haven't written a thing. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing." He tried turning back to the computer, but I stopped the spinning chair. "It's nothing, Echo."

"Your ears are pink. You're lying."

He slapped his hands over his ears. "I am not lying!"

I moved his finger. "You're ears are purple."

Derek stumbles off the chair, heading for the back room. "Stop looking at my ears!"

If I had enough energy, I'd tease him. But all I did was follow him through the door. A blast of newly shipped books smell met my nose. I stopped and took time to take it in. It was nice having a sense that I could rely on. After the raids, my vision occasionally blurred, and I still couldn't hear out of my right ear. I was constantly taking pain meds to stop my migraines. I couldn't stand up for long or I'd start feeling dizzy. I let the smell wash over me, reminding me of all my favorite reads: How to Kill a Mockingbird, The Patriot's Threat, The Princess Bride.

"-me alone, alright?" Derek was saying.


"Because," he shuffled around papers in the work room. He looked frantic like he couldn't find something to distract him from the conversation. And I would know all about distractions. "Because I've got a lot on my mind, and I can't talk to anyone."

"You can't talk to anyone?" I bit my lip before I could really snap.

If Derek noticed, he didn't let it show. "Yeah, I can't. It's personal, so if you would get your snooty nose out of my business, I'd appreciate it."

"Excuse me?"

He slammed down a pile of books and turned on me. "You heard me. Stop asking questions. Stop poking around. Your curiosity will get you in trouble, especially with that Slithan character, and it's not starting with me."

Derek tried to leave but I stepped in front of him. "What does any of this have to do with Nathaniel? And where do you have any right telling me what to do? I am clearly capable of making my own decisions. So, if you have a problem with my life, keep it to your self."

He ran a hand through his hair, knocking his glasses askew. He laughed without humor. "What does Nathaniel have to do with this? He has everything to do with it! He's started this and deserves everything coming to him! I'm just telling you to stay away from him. It's for your own good."

He tried to leave again, but I shoved him back. He slammed into the wall. His eyes grew wide, almost frightened. But I was too busy yelling at him to care, "How dare  you! You have no idea what's happening... my parents..." I hated myself. I hated myself for tearing up, for stumbling over the words. The confession was right there, so close. I wanted it off my chest, I wanted to tell somebody, even if I was mad at them. But the words didn't come. I crouched in the corner, fists over my blurring eyes to stop them from watering. The inside of my head felt like someone was using it as a gong.

Someone's hand landed on my shoulder. Warm breath tickled my ear. "What?"

Derek's concerned face appeared in my line of vision. "You didn't hear me?"

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