Chapter 11

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     It was the weekend before the official end of my suspension. Technically, I couldn't even call it that. Thanks to my friend Nathaniel, my week of absence was excused on behalf of some sickness I was supposed to have recovered from, Nathaniel called it 'Idiot's Impulsive Indisposition'. Which I responded to with a 'Rebecca Remedy for Narcissists'. In other words, I punched him.

It was a fairly rainy day, so I stayed inside studying for the three tests I had to take Monday. Lucky me.

Momma was drinking coffee, while working on some support cable ideas. Dad was still in Ohio, but he was coming back soon.

I was going over the notes we took on some battles somewhere that resulted in something for the third time. But I could barely read it, because the dates kept swimming across the page.

So, when Momma came into my room and offered a movie break, I immeadately obliged.

"Hmm... Scary?" My momma asked, amidst a dusty pile of DVDs.

"Too early."

"The Shining's out. Let's see... Romantic?" I gave her a look. She giggled. "Had to try. Um, how about... oh, wow this is old. I remember we got this when you were born." Momma held up an old tape. An actual tape. I know, right? I thought those were extinct. A yellowed sticker faintly labeled it as Lion King.

"Since when do we have a tape?"

"Your father," my momma starts, poking around a box which I realized was the tape player. The weird contraption had all sorts of buttons and blinking lights. I didn't know if it was a tape player, or a medieval torture device, so I never went near it. "Your father was ecstatic at the thought of a cub. It was a thing to behold. You are such a beautiful girl. That's why he got the movie. He thought that all the animals should bow down before such a beautiful cub."

Cheese factor alert. But my heart swelled.

The moment was interrupted by the tape compartment creaking painfully when it swallowed the tape. Momma wiped off her dusty hands, grabbed a huge blanket, and threw it on top on me.


I yanked it off my head. My nose immediately opened up to the smell of buttery popcorn. Momma returned just as the previews ended. We snuggled close on the comfy couch as the sun started to rise on the screen.

" 'Nants ingonyama bagithi baba!'"

The popcorn was perfect: salty and buttery with a side of sweet caramel syrup, just how we Hunter girls like it.

" 'It's the circle of life!'"

The rest of the movie, Momma and I had a sing-along fest. Once, the scene got to the opening for "Akuna Matata", and she raced to the box and paused the movie.

"Call your father. He should be at lunch, now, anyway. It's his favorite."

I took out my phone to FaceTime him, dully noting that Nathaniel had texted me twice. My finger hovered over his contact. (Yes, I got his number. No big deal.) But, I forgot that when Dad picked up immediately.

He looked weary, and he was in fact, eating lunch, so I felt no guilt when I asked Momma to crank up the stereo.

"Hey, cub. Watcha doing?"

"One, two, three! 'Akuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase!'"

My parents never lost a beat. " 'Akuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze!'"

To my delight, some of dad's colleagues joined in. My higher pitched voice carried over all of them. Singing into my thumb like it was a mic, I sang, " 'It means no worries, for the rest of your days...'"

"'It's our problem-free, philosophy, Akuna Matata!'" 

We all bursted out laughing. Dad yelled over the commotion, "Thank you, girls! You really lightened the mood over here! Wish us luck!"

"You don't need it," I told him. "Bye, love ya Dad!"

"Love you too! Bye," his finger slipped like always, and he cut himself off. Momma and I watched the rest of the movie after that.

It was only until I trudged back into my room when I realized I'd accidentally Face- timed Nathaniel while singing to The Lion King.

His beautiful green eyes sparkled. Nathaniel gave me his one sided smile. "How much did you hear?"

He pretended to think. "Only... maybe a little... yeah, the whole thing."

"Nathan! Why didn't you hang up?"

His eyes widened a bit. But, he changed his lopsided smile to a full blown one. I didn't think I saw that real smile before. "You've got a great voice, when you try."

I snorted. "Thanks, Mr. Passive- Agressive. When I try out for America's Got Talent, I'll tell the judges why I decided to sing. 'Oh, because my friend said I was good if I tried.'"

"Geez, can't you take a compliment?"

"Is that what that was?"

"Har, har. Maybe I'll get the last laugh when I send the recording of your 'Akuna Matata' solo to Mr. Flower, see if we can get you a spot in the talent show."

"With that mouth, you could convince him to tap dance in his Shakespeare underwear."

"Yeah, thanks." His voice thick with sarcasim.

"And you say I can't take a compliment. But, I'm serious. No submitting any singing videos, okay?"

Nathaniel seemed to be busy on another device. "Nathaniel? Nathaniel!"

"Sorry, what? I was a little busy posting-"

"You. Did. Not."

"Finger may have slipped." He let out a briliant laugh, that made me smile despite myself. "Your face... priceless..."

"Yeah, ha, you got me. But seriously, no videos?"

"No videos."

"Good. Well, I've gotta study. Bye!"

"Wait-"I cut him off, and once again, dove into my books.

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