Chapter 18

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Oh. My. Gosh. This is actually happening. I can't do this- so many people... Will they test me somehow? How many people will be watching?

It was nighttime. My parents, both in lion form, flanked my sides. We were heading towards the secret council place only Shai soi could find. I was dragging my paws, trying my best to delay our arrival.

Cub, I know this may be nerve-wracking, but your Tannces is something to be excited about. Don't worry so much. It's a piece of cake, said my dad's voice in my head.

I remember the first time my parents spoke to my mind. If I hadn't been in my lion skin, I would've peed my pants. We were practicing in the spacious Den how to change from one form to another in a single bound. It only took me three tries before I could fluently change from a lioness to a girl. I was so happy, I ended up changing back into a lion and yipping my whiskers off.

Great job, cub!  My momma had praised... but it took many seconds to realize she'd said it in my head.

I stopped my prancing. Back to human form, I stuttered "Wha-what did you..."

There are more ways to communicate than talking, honey. Shai soi can speak to each other through their Shoak- the sacred bond between all of our kind.

"Shoak? H-how can I, uh, can I...?"

Of course, cub, Dad the Lion started. All you have to do is imagine a string connecting you to me and your mother.

'Your mother and I,' sweetie, Momma corrected.

Right. Now imagine that string transports the words you think right into our minds.

"So, like that thing with the cans and the string?"

A pause. Sure, let's go with that.

Momma rolled her eyes- which was quite a sight in a lioness. Give it a try, Rebecca. this?

My feline parents cringed.  Momma put huge paws over her ears.

No, need to shout. They're only thoughts after all.

But great job! First try, too. Such a talented cub. Dad's gold eyes shone with pride.

Changing skins, I rubbed my head under his chin. Thanks, Dad.

Still a little loud, sweetie...

BONK! The impact jolted me from my thoughts.

Ouch. I shook my head. My nose stung from the tree's rough bark. Yes, I ran into a tree. No, it wasn't funny, well, not funny to me. Momma, Dad, and the voice in my head cracked up. I snarled. Snapping at Dad's ear, I  thought, Har, har. I was thinking. Are we close?

We're here.

"WHAT!" I hadn't realized I'd changed form. I looked around. There was nothing special about the location. It looked like any other part of the woods with a cliff face looming over the small clearing. "I don't get it. Is it hidden-" I turned to my parents... they weren't there. A lump formed in my throat. "Momma? Dad?"

The smooth cliff cast me in its dark shadow. Chills raced up and down my spine.

O-o-o-kay. Where are you?

No answer. I couldn't feel their presence. Either they disappeared far enough where I couldn't reach them, or they were intentionally blocking me out.

Why would they shut me out?

"Hello?" My echo was faint and weak. The cliff face seemed to mock me with its eeriness. A spark of anger flared in my chest. Was this supposed to be the test? Parents leave their children in the middle of nowhere and disappear, so they can just watch her struggle?

"Oh, yeah," I spoke into the woods, "Make fun of the new girl, is this really happening? How is this a test if nothing's..." A ghostly whitish- blue light shimmered through the wood's dense brush. "...happening?" The shadows of the leaves stretched until it was inches from my shoes. It flickered, reminding me of the light display in the Rockin' Rollers disco roller skate building down town. It was right across the street from a tourist sweet spot along with an ice cream shop, the rock-climbing center, and art galleries.

"Hello?" Something rustled in the brush. I attuned my lioness hearing. It wasn't a bird or a squirrel. The rustling wasn't loud enough to indicate a human's presence. It was gentle, like a breeze rustling dried leaves in the fall, shaking them off tree branches and sending them scittering across the pavement. There was no breeze to be found.

The light flickered mockingly, before retreating further under the canopy. "Hey, wait!" Abandoning all reluctance, I lept over the brush bounding after the mysterious light.

Shai Soiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें