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Chai~ (Chay)             rare subspecies of shai soi ; inhanced abilities

                                                    change directly from one animal to another

                                                     channels other animals (not just Clan animal) in human form

                                                    communicating with Numahi through shoak

                              manifests shara into someone else's to turn them into an animal of their choosing

Gluhen~ (gloo-hin)           means "glow" in German; literally "glow guns"; scientifically produced electric shock used to neutralize shai abilities as to trap the animal in the human body

Newling~(new-ling) (duh)                just a new recruit who's Changed and is inducted into the shai community

Namuh~ (na-muh) (Namuhi pl.) (nam-yoo-eye)      regular peeps with no shape-shifting abilities

Shai soi~ (shay-soy)         (also referred to as shai) race of shape-shifters; can shift into any animal

(main difference between regular shai soi and Chai) can't shift fluently from one animal to another; has to have a human transformation in the middle; can only channel Clan animal

Shara~   (shar-uh)                        energy of all shai soi ; form of their power

Shoak~ (show-uck)              the telepathic bond between (mainly plain shai) shai soi or a Chai and a Numah

Tannces~  (t-on-kiss)  the ancient shai soi word for "Acceptance"; ceremony welcoming Newlings into the shai community


Comment below if I missed any words. Keep in mind I made up the names of the Clans (with a little help of Latin) that I did NOT list here because.... they're kind of obvious. So lionae and other stuff isn't up there. Other than "gluhen" every other shai soi word is completely and utterly made up by yours truly.

Oh! And I know that's not how you do the pronunciation stuff but I thought that might be easier to understand.

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