Chapter 10

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    I figured out the girl's name was Sammi Glazerose. She was the Captain of the Girl's Basketball Team.

Just my luck. Get caught insulting a principal's pet. Wonderful.

We were dragged to the office. My erratic behavior seemed to have been quieted, but I was still fuming. I had to pinch myself to keep from growling.

"Sit," Drinkrum commanded.

Sammi grudgingly sat down in a low chair across from the principal's oak desk. I stalled at the door, scuffing my boot against the spring door stop. It was one of those old ones, the ones that wobbled so fast it seemed to double.

Doooooing. Doooooing. Doooooing.

"Miss Hunter-"


"Miss Hunter, I ask you to please-"



I flinched. Dr. Drinkrum was such a soft spoken man. No one, not even Troublesome Trenton has ever been yelled at. His round face was tinted the lighest color of pink. He squeezed his eyes shut and took deep breaths, his smile lines momentarily prominent on his pale skin.

"Miss Hunter will you please sit down," he said, still with closed eyes. I sank deep into the chair which forced me to be eye level with his name plaque.

"Thank you. Now, to the matter at hand," his opened his piercing blue eyes. Drinkrum propped his elbows on its polished surface and pressed his fingers together to make the 'thoughtful triangle'.

Triangle equals trouble. Great, Rebecca, nice going.

"What I want to know-"

"Reject- I mean, Rebecca started it!" Sammi interrupted. "She just started insulting me. All I did was ask her a question and-"

"I will not be interrupted again, Miss Glazerose." That shut her up. I snorted a little, then swallowed it when his piercing stare rested on me.

"Miss Hunter, would you care explaining to me why an assault on a fellow classmate is funny?"

What? An assault? I didn't touch her.

I protested, "It wasn't an assault; I didn't lay a finger on her pretty oversized head."

"That's enough Miss Hunter. I'm tempted to suspend you. One more word from your mouth, and it will go on your record. And that's generous. Attacking a student on school grounds calls for expulsion."

"I didn't  attack her!"

"Really?" His voice was deadly calm, but it wasn't his usual soft tenor. It still held an edge. "There is a grade-full of students out there who could say otherwise."

Sammi crossed her arms with a smug smile plastered across her heavily made up face. My fingernails dug into the skin of my palms. My heart started racing a thousand times a second. My ears filled with the sound of my shaky breath.

"Go! Go ask them what happened, I bet they'll all agree because they're her  friends."

Dr. Drinkrum's face was a mask. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Was he going to expell me? I swear I didn't remember touching Sammi... did I? No. She must've fallen or something.

Yeah, said that sarcastic voice in my head. Because people regularly fall just by standing up. That so makes sense.

Shut it, Arnold. (Yes, I named the sarcastic voice in my head. I'm weird. Deal with it.)

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