Chapter 9

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     It had been two weeks since my head injury and I had about a week and a day before school let out.

I know, it should be great! Less stressing, more free time, and (drumroll) no more homework!

But after that one goof in Spanish, the end of the year felt like decades away. The students of Boar Hill High wouldn't stop harassing me. I hit my all time low when I became so humiliated at lunch, that I ran down the hall into the janitor's closet. I ended up spilling my soup all over me and locking myself in. If it weren't for Nathaniel's excellent picking locks skills, I would've spent the night.

In fact, if it weren't for Nathaniel, I wouldn't have gone to school at all. Period.

He'd talk me out of my hiding places, help me avoid bullies, and even eat with me if he had the time.

In fact, when some random senior snickered, "Oh, no. Put your helmets on, guys, here comes Reject Rebecca!" I just snapped.

"You know what I think I'll do? I'll personally give you a nice lump on your head, and you'll see how it feels!" I raised my fist, but someone caught it. I let out a feline yowl before Nathaniel covered my mouth.

"Calm down, Rebecca."

The shocked expression on the senior's face quickly melded into a mocking smile. He propped a leg against the wall and shouted, "Well, well, looks like Reject Rebecca's got a little trick up her Slithan, oops, I meant sleeve." Many people laughed at the dumb joke.

A wave of surprise swept over me when Nathaniel's easy smile vanished, replaced by a cold scowl. "Tyson, the only reason why you'd need a helmet is to protect the few working brain cells in that hollow skull of yours." He turned to the incredulous on lookers. "Does anyone else have a problem with my friend?"

Friend. Nathaniel Slithan just called me his friend.

Once everyone had dispersed, his smile came back as teasing as ever. "Well, look who's showing her inner lion."

"What?" My heart started beating really fast in my chest. There was no way he could know about Shai Soi. I never changed anywhere else but the Hunter Den and the abandoned fields my family practiced in.

His brows slightly knitted. "You didn't shy away. I know you're sassy and sarcastic, trust me, but you let others know that. I don't know if you saw his face or not, but it looked like he wet his pants."

There was a long pause. He wasn't as close to me as earlier, but his hand was firmly planted on the locker next to my head.

" Hold on," I interjected, catching on to what he had said. " 'Sassy and sarcastic'?"

He drew away, chuckling lightly. "There it is. You cock your head to one side and raise your eyebrows. If looks could kill, Rebecca..." Nathaniel smiled to himself before walking away.

" 'Sassy and sarcastic'," I yelled at him down the hallway. He waved without looking back.


I walked off to my locker, joy fading away.

Another long school day to endure. Yippee.

Spanish was boring, but my classmates finally had something other than my head accident to talk about. Unfortunately, it was what happened this morning.

A guy a few desks in front of me I didn't recognize leaned over to another classmate and whispered, "You know Tyson House? He got bitten by Slithan."

Despite myself, I snorted. 'Bitten by Slithan' starting when Nathaniel lashed out at a kid in his first year. People said his attitude changed in a matter of milliseconds- yes, milli. It was so bad, peope had to use the metric system.

Apparently, this guy was all up in Nathaniel's face, and he was alright with it at first, smiling and going about his business. But, then the kid must've said something really bad, because Nathaniel let out a string of retorts so venomous the kid was on the ground, crying.

Nathaniel wasn't phased. The next moment, he was helping him up with an easy grin on his face. Classmates that were close enough heard Nathaniel say something about 'shakes', and he left. The very next day the kid came down with a month long sickness. I was pretty sure he wasn't at this school anymore.

This probably sounded creepy, but Nathaniel said he didn't know what happened to the guy. He visited his house to check up on him, but the kid's parents said he needed rest.

And people started saying 'Bitten by Slithan' whenever someone was put in their place. It was rather funny, but I never would have thought Nathaniel would do that for me.

"Yeah, Tyson joked about Reject Rebecca, and out came the fangs. You know what I think? Slithan's cheating on Orin with Hunter."

I had to bite down on my lip to stop from yelling at him. They looked back and snickered. Without being able to contain myself, I let out a low growl.

That did the trick.

I was walking out of Geometry when Nathaniel slipped into step beside me. "How's the Hot Head Hunter?"

"Oh, hush," I said, noticing people staring.

"A little cold, now, are we? Well, good day!" Nathaniel slinked off elsewhere.

Eyes glued to his back as he bounded up the stairs. My cheeks burned when students' gazes transferred to me. But then something strange happened.

My hearing sharpened. I stuttered to a halt. The only time this happened was when I was in lioness form.

Instead of panicking like I'd expected, my mind felt completely at ease. My chest felt warm, and small chills danced along my spine. I wasn't changing, I knew that much. But something was going on.

Someone whispered, "What a weirdo."

"Yeah, what does she think she's doing moving in on Slithan like that?"

Unexplained anger filled me, and I whipped around towards the speakers. The hall was dead silent. Not even the creek of a locker door interrupted it.

"Do you have something to say to me?" His blue eyes widened in surprise. The girl next to him seemed unfased. Being nearly as tall as Nathaniel, she stared down her nose at me.

"Yeah. Why are you moving in on Sadie's boyfriend?"

"I'm not moving in on anyone's boyfriend."

"Ha, tell that to her."

"Maybe I will."

"You do that."

I got into her face. No one will tell me what I can and can't do. "Back off."

"Or what?"

I didn't know what happened, but the next moment she was on the ground, and I was standing over her. Rough hands grabbed my shoulders and yanked me back. "Get your hands off me!" I squirmed out of the hands' grasp, and turned to face... the principal. Principle Dr. Drinkrum.

Ooooh, great.

Shai SoiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora