Chapter 30

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We had a pleasant walk down to Billy's Best. Most of it was in silence, but Rebecca seemed to like it that way. I felt guilty. Here I was, this big cloud of darkness snapping at her left and right while she was taking in the sun's rays, being patient and forgiving. I didn't miss how reserved she was acting, and I was immensely grateful. 

I was so lost in thought, I rammed into Rebecca who'd stopped in front of the store. "S-sorry."

She giggled. "Walk much, Nathaniel?"

I composed myself. "Says you. Ten bucks says you'll trip in the next minute."


I won. As soon as I opened the door to let her in she tripped on the door jam. Her heart-shaped face flushed pink. I couldn't help but laugh. The line was short. When we got to the counter Rebecca turned to me and said, "I'll pay for yours and that'll count for the ten."

"You mean you intended to make me pay?"

"Maybe," she admitted side-smiling.

"Huh. I thought you were trying to cheer me up."

Her eyes sparkled. "You're laughing, aren't you?"

I was about to retort when the lady across the counter cleared her throat. Her green eyes narrowed and her thick lips puckered. Her messy bun sloped to the side when she tilted her head. She clicked the scooper. "As much fun as it is watching you two bicker, I have a son to pick up. I don't have time for couples."

Rebecca coughed and turned tomato red. I repressed another laugh before saying, "I'm terribly sorry for the inconvience. We'll have our ice cream now- on her."

Soon we were sitting outside the shop, me with my mint chocolate chip and Rebecca with a double scoop of strawberry. Yeah, she was one of those strawberry weirdos. She saw me staring and raised her eyebrows in a 'Deal with it' tone. She took a big scoop with her fork and swallowed it.

"Wait, are you using... a fork?"

"Well," she stared at the fork. I rolled my eyes at her on coming sarcasm. "Well, let's see. It's got four picks up food- of course it's a fork!"

"No dip Sherlock. I meant why?"

She leaned back in her chair. "Why not?"

"Because you can't scoop enough ice cream."

"Says who?" She got a huge portion and ate it, giving me a 'You see?' look. Instead of responding, my gaze dropped to her bottom lip. Without thinking, I reached across the table and wiped a speck of strawberry off of her chin. I lingered.

"Plus," she said drawing away. I yanked back. "When I'm bored I can use the prongs to make details in it. Like a flower."

"A flower?" She nodded. I smirked. With my voice in soprano I sang, "Rebecca Hunter making pretty pink flowers with her Strawberry Shortcake ice cream?"

She stomped on my foot under the table. "How do you like me now?"

I started laughing and she did too. I massaged my foot under the table. But the mood dampened when Rebecca's gaze locked on something behind me. I turned. A girl with curly black hair and dark brown eyes sneered at Rebecca. She looked familiar as she whispered to her gaggle of friends. She wove her way between the tables to get to ours. It wasn't until I saw her Nike socks before I remembered who she was.

"Oh, hey Nathaniel," she chirped.

"Hey Sammi," I leaned back in my chair. I noted how a muscle in Rebecca's jaw twitched.

Sammi made a big show of looking around me, but not giving Bec a glance. "Where's Sadie?" She bore an innocent smile but it didn't reach her eyes. Rebecca scoffed and put another forkful of ice cream in her mouth. Some strawberry remained on her lip.

"She, uh," I got distracted. "Sadie has pink eye."

Rebecca bit her lip trying in vain to not laugh. I kicked her under the table but she snorted. Sammi rolled her eyes and decided to acknowledge Bec's existence. "Oh, hey Rebecca! How's your mom and dad?" She didn't give her enough time to answer. Sammi's breath brushed against my ear, but she really wasn't trying to be quiet. She whispered, "Poor girl's parents have pink eye too. I'd stay away from her if I were you. I bet it was her who gave it to Sadie in the first place." Rebecca's fists clenched in her lap. My own twitched. "What are you doing with the likes of Rej-Rebecca anyway?"

I was about to snap back about what people said about her before Rebecca put her hand on my knee. Though her golden eyes blazed she smiled at Sammi. "Oh, we were just getting icecream for Sadie and my parents. I read somewhere that it helps."

Sammi looked unconvinced. "Does it now?"

"Oh, yes." Rebecca got up and walked in front of her. I saw Sammi's  friends' eyes lock on the girls. Rebecca leaned back with her cup of ice cream in one hand. "I guess Nathaniel and I had the same idea and since we had time I got some for ourselves. I figured ice cream could help us too." She glanced at me. I raised an eyebrow and she winked. Heat crept to my ears but she had turned back to Sammi.

"Oh, no. Don't tell me you  have pink eye, Reject." She didn't even try correcting herself. My fists shook. But before I could do anything Rebecca grabbed my spoon and dipped it into her own cup.

"Nope, but I appreciate your concern. Sammi, would you like to see how ice cream helps me?" In one motion, Bec scooped up some strawberry, pulled back the spoon, and let it fly. Pink mush splattered over Sammi's face. Rebecca was grinning ear to ear. "That's  how it helps." And before any of Sammi's friends could take a step towards us, Rebecca grabbed my hand and hauled me up. "Run!"

We sprinted non-stop for three blocks before we finally stopped. Not because we were tired, but because we were laughing too much. Rebecca stood doubled over clutching her stomach. As soon as I came to my senses I gasped, "Now that's  how you use a spoon. By the way, you made me lose my ice cream."

"Okay, here." Rebecca took my spoon that she was still holding, dipped it into her cup, and shoved it into my mouth. "There's your icecream. Told you it would make you feel better. I gotta go get some eye ointment and get home before the mail man gets there." She turned to leave before flashing me a dazzling smile. Her lips were pinker than usual. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

Then she jogged off her pony tail swishing from side to side. I stood in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot with the spoon still in my mouth. I stared after her and tasted the ice cream melt in my mouth. The funny thing was?

I hated strawberry.

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