Chapter 21

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A Tannces is the ancient shai soi word for 'Acceptance'; it's what we called the test that (surprise, surprise) accepts us into the community. Kind of like a rite-of-passage. It was the stupidest rite-of-passage ever. I shoved Nathaniel to the ground, still angry. He leaned on his elbows and fixed his eyes on something over my shoulder.

Someone cleared their throat. I whipped around. In the middle of the first tier sat a barrel chested man with caramel weather beaten skin, a square jaw, and a jagged white scar forming a hook under his left eye. Hard hazel eyes peered at me from under the bushiest eyebrows I've ever seen. I would've laughed, but this man commanded respect. I cowered under his gaze.

"Rebecca Lee Hunter?" I cringed at my middle name. I hated it. Having this man know what it was didn't help my unease. I nodded feeling like a kid caught trying to steal a cookie. I subconsciously started chewing on my hoodie's drawstring.

He continued. "You have passed your Tannces. You, Rebecca Hunter are welcomed into the shai family and Council. Not only are you an exceptional shifter, but you possess an ability that is evident in every part of your Tannces to  everyone here. Chai  Sadie Orin and Nathaniel Slithan as well as your parents from the Lionae clan has informed this Council of your advanced progression into the stages as a growing Newling. So it is with great honor that I announce you, Rebecca Hunter of the Lionae Clan, are and always will be a Chai."

Wait, what? The Council area erupted into noise. Suddenly, the tiers were filled with A Noah's Boatload of animals. Monkeys screeched, rhinos huffed, a pack of wolves howled... It felt like an excerpt from The Lion King, and I was the newly anointed Simba. (Funny how similar those two situations were.)

A Chai? What the heck was a Chai? What was happening?

I found Momma's lioness face amidst the Animal Kingdom's. What's a Chai?  I asked through the ancient shoak bond.

Her eyes glittered. A Chai is the rarest, most talented shai soi there is. They can channel any animal in human form, which would explain why you transform so quickly. I'm so proud of you cub.

Wait, any animal?

"Any animal," Sadie said next to my ear. She gave me space crossing her arms and smirking at Nathaniel who was still on the ground. "We're in the same rank as the Elders."

"The Elders?" I asked as the ruckus started to calm down. The Wolf Clan was still howling their hearts out. I noted that the moon was already high in the sky and completely full. Huh, go figure.

"Yeah, the annoying old guys in the first row," Nathaniel slurred. He got up and dusted himself off. I looked where he nodded. The man who addressed me hadn't tranformed-neither had the other people in the ground tier. I didn't like the man in the middle. He reminded me of my grandfather who was a veterian. He'd make me run laps and do push ups every time I changed the channel from Walker Texas Ranger to something interesting. Seriously, Gramps, Chuck Norris is in the past. The man's scar, square jaw, and scowl didn't help matters.

Nathaniel either guessed at my thoughts or I voiced them through shoak, (both were unnerving), but he scratched his neck. "Oh, that's Bud Brown. He was in the army for forty-something years. He's the last member of the Brown Bear clan. Around these parts anyway."

"Is he..." I fanned my fingers near my temple.

Nathaniel's eyes crinkled at the corners. "Unstable? Nowhere near. But he almost near killed me when I was at his house and changed the channel on the TV. The man chased me around with a PAC-5 until I let go of the remote. I mean, what's the deal with Chuck Norris?" His eyes scanned my face. "Don't worry. He's harmless."

I watched Brown talk to a wiry pale man next to him. His dark eyes darted to me occasionally. "He doesn't look harmless."

Sadie came around me grabbing Nathaniel's elbow. "He can't do anything without the Elders' full consent- and ours. Not really; Brown won't give up any power because we're 'just maggots' and... you get the picture."

"What's with the Elders anyway? What do they do except run around with rifles and yell 'In the eyes of a ranger...'?"

"Each represents a class in the animal kingdom. Brown is for Mammalia, the man to his left is Herschel Walters of the Box Jellyfish Clan. He represents the Medusozoa. To his left is Maria Gold of the Megalodon Clan, (she doesn't get out much due to the popularity of a scuba-diver run-in that found her great-aunt's bones). She represents the Fish class..." After that, I zoned out. She keep using words that may have been Latin, but they just sounded like an excuse to put syllabols and sounds together to sound smart.

Nathaniel must've caught on because he waved his hand over my eyes. "Did you catch any of that?"

"Great aunt's bones... Crocodile... Celicia of the Blue Herron Clan... something about Mamma Mia?"

Nathaniel laughed. "Mammalia."

"Yeah that."

He kept chortling. A blush crept up my neck at how quiet it was getting. He didn't notice or care. "Mammalia as in mammal. Didn't you take Biology this year?"

The Council had finally calmed down. My face felt like it was on fire. "If the teacher wanted me to pay attention, she should've choosen her maiden name of Smith instead of Warthooger. Now shut up."

Brown had caught my eye and was waiting (rather unpatiently) for me to finish. I resumed chewing on my hoodie's drawstring making sure to ball up the sleeves in my hands. It felt like everyone had lasers for eyes and I was their target. I tried to avoid counting the invisible red dots on my skin.

"The Elders have decided that it would be best for your Chai predecessors to spend this time teaching you how to control your abilities. If the parents of Rebecca Lee Hunter," I cringed at my middle name, "should give you permission you are hereby..."

Sadie opened and closed her hand and rolled her eyes. Talk, talk, talk. Come with us, and we'll have some real fun.

She and Nathaniel slipped through a hidden archway in the side of the Council stands.. My parents were watching Elder Brown intently. I followed my fellow Chai out of the arena and into the dense forest.

I fell in step next to Nathaniel. "So, you're middle name's Lee?"

I slugged him in the shoulder. "Shut up."

"You don't like your name?" I shot a look at Nathaniel. His features attempted to morph into something innocent but he was smirking too much to make it work.

I shoved him again. "I hate it. Now can we please move on? Tell me about Chai. What abilities was Brown talking about?"

Sadie jumped to explain."Chai can finally turn into any animal and slip into the next form without having the human transition in the middle. Plus, we can channel any animal's abilities in human form. Being a Chai does have its perks, like a special place in Council. "

"Not that they listen," commented Nathaniel. When Sadie's back was turned he bent down and whispered, "There's nothing wrong with you. Lee suits you." My cheeks warmed. Will I ever stop blushing?

Sadie was oblivious. She skipped ahead, giving me a mini lesson on being a Chai. We could transfer our energy from one another, force another shai into an animal, even Nathaniel and Sadie said they were going to show me something. I was getting impatient as to see what it was."When can I do that?" I asked.

"As soon as you want," Sadie replied. I could tell she could feel my impatience.  "Go on it's worth it."

Nathaniel started, "Wait, but-"

I wasn't there to hear. I launched off the ground, enjoying how fast it took to turn into a bird this time. I'd been thinking about what it felt to fly the two times I did it. The transition felt nearly effortless. The air caressed my sides. My eyesight was flawless. I could see every wild hair on Nathaniel's head that stood out like a sore thumb, even in this darkening hour. I couldn't wait to try out what feeling like a Chai really was. I flew has high as I dared, topped my arch and let myself free fall. WAHOO!!!

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