Chapter 7

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"Are you okay?"

It was the third time he asked this, and I still hadn't answered. All I could do was stare at Nathaniel Slithan thinking, A popular guy is talking to me!

No one has ever noticed me before- unless they were mocking me. And it shocked me to my core.

"Mr. Slithan, is everything alright?"

"Just fine, Mrs. Lemons! I'm trying to see if this girl in here is okay!" He called over his shoulder.

"Okay. But do it quietly," Lemons whispered. She went back to shuffling her papers like nothing Nathaniel said was out of the ordinary. Because random girls hiding in storage closets were a normal thing.

Nathaniel turned back to me, smiling. "So," he scooted nearer, closing the door almost all the way. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I started feeling cornered. He sat in front of the exit with his arms around his knees, his head cocked to the side. "Why are you in here?"

"Uh... um... you're t-tal... you're making me uncomfortable!" I blurted.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry. I could just leave and never talk to you again, or we can sit in this dusty closet and talk about life and most definately skip class. Your choice."

He pretended to pick a dust bunny from his shoulder. "Are you serious?" I asked incredulously.

"Which part? Ignoring you, talking about life or skipping class?"

"The whole part! Ever heard of 'privacy' or, I don't know, 'humility'?"

"Didn't pin you for a quick- wit."

Are you serious? You're actually going to say that to my face?

" And I didn't pin you as a blunt-headed creep. What's your point?

He put a hand on his chest with a look of mock hurt on his face. His brows knitted forming an asymmetrical dimple. His gleaming green eyes glowed with humor.

" 'Blunt-headed creep'? Ouch, that- that stings, Rebecca."

My small smile dissipated. "How do you know my name?"

He shrugged. "I make a point to learn people's names. And yours is very popular."

The hard throbbing on the back of my head became more announced. "Ah..." I massaged the lump. "Don't remind me."

"Wait," he frowned. He reached out and grabbed my hand. His hands were abnormally cold.

Chills traveled up my arm. "What are you doing?"

He studied my fingers intently. I shifted my weight on the uncomfortable bucket.

Nathaniel reached towards my face. I freaked out, flinching and nearly biting his fingers off.

"Whoa! I'm just trying to see your head."

I pulled away. "Well, you can stop trying and find your own space."

"You're bleeding," he stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm... what?" I studied my fingers closer. I didn't know how he saw it, but a small smudge a red smeared itself across my fingertips.

The lump was tender and huge. The ache was unbearable. When I pressed into it, black spots danced in my eyes.

"Ouch," I groaned.

Nathaniel stood. "Here, I'll take you to the nurses office. Maybe we can convince Carla to give you a pass for school."

He helped me up, and I immediately felt woozy. "Falling now."


My cheeks burned. Here I was, the girl who could turn into a freaking lion, falling into the arms of a sophmore. Like a damsel in distress. Yay, me.

I pushed myself off of his chest, craning my neck to see his reaction. I always considered myself tall, but Nathaniel towered at least half a foot taller than me. His mouth querked at one end.

"Not. A. Word."

He pinched his finger and thumb together and drew it across his mouth in a 'lips are sealed' gesture.

"Now, take me to the stupid Nurse's office."

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