Chapter 4: In a daze

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Ania Pov

I've never been this nervous walking into a store in my life, you would thought I was meeting Chris brown or Somethin the way he caught my attention. He had sexy as hell written all over him and I just wanted every bit of it

"Ania it look like he walkin this way! Ima go check these shoes out, remember to stay coo girl!" And man was Briana right, here he come fine as can be walkin right towards me.

As soon as he stepped up and said hi to me, I couldn't help but start smiling and wave saying hi back. His names Devontay. I was too busy stuck in a daze looking at his cute ass to even give him my name until he ask for it, made me laugh a lil but, and that's when I said

"I'm Ania" I said as shy as can be.

After that minutes felt like seconds standing there getting to know one another a lil bit.

"So can I have yo number?" He said with the sexiest smirk on his face.

That's when I did the old ima call myself on his phone trick so we can both have each others number.

"iight shawty, I'll hit you later" that's when he gives me a full smile and I realize he's perfect.

"Okay bye Devontay" at that moment I felt like a little kid leaving the candy store with a huge bag full of candy.

This boys been on my mind the rest of the day, and yes I sat there checking my phone waiting for him to hit me up. So at 9:43pm I decide to send him a text first.

Is it normal to be nervous to text a guy first?

He replies right away, talking bout he bored... glad to know I'm not the only one bored tonight.

So I decide to be brave and ask him to FaceTime. Everybody who's team iPhone gotta FaceTime a cutie like Devontay. So before I called em I had to fix myself up a lil bit added a lil lip gloss, and combed through my hair real quick...

But we wasn't bored for long. Once again minutes felt like seconds and we sittin up here laughin, flirtin & playing every young minded person favorite game - 21 questions. There was so much I wanted to know about him, I kept getting stuck on what to ask him.

"How long have you been single?" I ask trying not to sound to concerned.

"Only a few months, the last girl I dated was Somethin else; just know that much"

I begin to wonder what he meant by that, he was looking too fine for me to remember my next question about it and had ya girl sitting there stuck - like Cupid was casting a spell.

Before we both knew it, it was 2AM! I was a lil tired, but I could still hang.

"You talkin bout me bein sleepin and you sittin up there yawning" I say smiling and laughing at the same time.

"Naww don't worry bout me, I'm never tired. Real niggas don't sleep!" All I could do is laugh when he said that.

But before you know it, I'm fast asleep. I don't remember hanging up last night so I feel a lil embarrass and awkward. What if my mouth was open and he just took every screen shot possible?!

But when I woke up, it was the afternoon and I forgot i had a few things I was suppose to do today...

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