Chapter 19: Tears Always Win

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Tasia pov

The whole ride home i didn't say anything . I was to sad to like damn im only 15 and experience more than i should have . Dad has Aids My boyfriend set me up and my brother wants to kill me well atleast i think he does . When Dev park in front of the house the only thing i could think was awwww shit it's finna get real . He turns around and ask me where Justin hang out at . I love my brother to much to tell him that cause when my brothers mad he can do some evil ass shit and not think twice about it . I didn't want him to do something he'll regret the rest of his life so i told him it's not that serious . When I said that he snap i could see it in his eyes that he wanted to jump in the back seat and choke the living daylights out of me THANK GOD Ania was there or that might had happen. Ania really is different and i know she really like my brother and he really like her cause it takes alot to clam Dev down and all she did was touch his hand and he was clam i really like this girl. when i was walking in the house i got even more depressed because as soon as i open the door glass and everything is on the floor i guess my mom got fed up she couldn't take it . My mom crazy too i think that's where Dev gets it from to be honest. But all of a sudden i hear crying so i run up the stairs and open my parents door my mom was on the floor crying eating ice cream .
"Mom" I said
"Tasia where have you been?"
"I went for a walk mom i had to clear my head".
"BULLSHIT ! Tasia you went for a walk my ass we will talk about it in the morning im sick of arguing with people."
"Mom i heard what you said to dad"
"Please Don't Talk About Son of a BITCH to me ! Tasia get out my room your pissing me off."
I walk over to my mom gave her a big hug and said "goodnight mom i love you" she hug me back and gave me a kiss on my cheek and said "i love you too now get out my room and get some rest." I got out like she said but i didn't go to sleep i clean up are messy ass house it took 2 hours but i got it done . When i went in my room i look at my phone and it was picture of Justin and I kissing. Tears start coming out my eyes i just don't understand how he could of did anything like that to me . I had to get some sleep i said my prayers put my headphones on and close my eyes.

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