Chapter 20:To be or Not to be

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Ania Pov

3 weeks later . . . .

"Are you sure you Havnt started your period?" Briana asked while fixing herself in the mirror.
"Yes! What makes it more scary is that me and Devontay had sex almost 3months ago." For the first time ever - I wanted my period to come. But it seemed like this time it just wasn't coming, no matter how bad I craved for it to come. Plus these past few days I've been throwing up and keep feeling sick in the morning.
"Look Ania take that pregnancy test so I can know if we pregnant or not! I'm already thinking of baby names." Funny thing is Briana is serious right now.
"Bri I'm scared as fuck and I don't believe in abortions!" I said panicking.
"Look ma go do what you do & I'll be waiting down stairs. We either to the mall or the clinic after those three pregnancy results!" Briana says yelling through the house.

But that was just my luck. The two out of three of those pregnancy test said positive. Damn! How am I going to tell my mom. Shit! How am I going to tell Dev! What if he just stops talking to me when I tell him.


"Yo Ania just picture us! Two cute ass girls twenty-five years old both pregnant at the same time by are husbands and we gon raise are kids as twins!" Briana says excitedly.
"Girl! Who thinks that way are freshman year in high school?" I say laughing.
"Haha I think that way! Like Fa real NiNi are kids gon be matching, wearing the same Jordan's and we gon be sittin on stacks"Briana says laughing.

I can never picture myself having a baby like Briana does. Besides I'm only 15 what the hell do I know about a baby when my momma still calls me one! It's a scary thing that I feel like I'll never be ready for. Which is why I'm glad some nerdy ass nigga-or who ever it was invented condoms! I pray everybody I know used then well.

"Hey Briana let's promise Each other something" I say sounding nervous.
"Wassup NiNi?" Bri asked.
"Let's promise to never have kids until we 25 or older. Just like you be picturing it" I say holding out my pinky.
"Girl we entered high school as virgins! You know that promise gon be easy as hell!" Briana always gotta make something fun or a joke.
"Bri I'm serious!" I say steering at her.
"Yea yeah yeahh pinky promise Ania" she says hooking her pinky to mine.

I feel like I'm the only person who takes pinky promises seriously. But they always stay true and never have been broken.


"Girl you've been quiet this whole car ride" Briana says stopping at a red light.
"Bri I'm prego" I say in a quiet tone.
"No Ania! We are prego. Now I'm rockin wit you through this all the way."

Atleast I know that if Dev does leave me I'll have my Bestfriend by my side to support me. For some reason I want to cry but just can't. I'm still wishing for my period to come and it just won't fall through. I keep wondering what if, and how come. Why do the craziest situations happen to me?

When we arrive to the clinic I noticed pregnant girls, moms, a crying baby, and some old lady with her grand daughter. If you asked me looked like she wanted to beat her grand daughter.
"Can I help you two ladies?" A lady at the counter asked.
"Yeah I just need a pregnancy test done just to be 100% sure that I'm pregnant" I said nervously. Was that even the right thing to ask?
" Damn, so this what the clinic like on the inside" Briana said looking as if she felt uncomfortable.

Twenty minutes later it was finally my turn. Turns out I'm 100% pregnant. I'm two and a half months along the way. So far my bodies healthy. I told them I'll make an appointment with my actual doctor for the rest of the pregnancy. The next step was to see Devontay and tell him this news.

"Ania you gon look funny as hell when yo stomach start growing!" Briana says laughing. Can't lie that made me laugh too.
"I hope I'm having a boy" I say rubbing my stomach.

Maybe this was meant to be. As long as I got Bri and my mom I'll be fine. But I'm praying Dev takes this as a man and steps up to the plate and becomes the man I need him to be right now.

All I can say is at least I'm not '16 and pregnant'.

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